Using record selectors is the perfect test when vetting this software actually; this is why we converted it in Azure as well as all our other DB's, to see how it can handle such functionality. It shows just how poor the product is for Access. You would think SQL Server is best for everything, not so. I see so many saying they are going to cloud solutions for replacing the BE accdb's and they all regret it. I get more consulting gigs converting Azure databases to on-prem SQL servers then I ever did anything else. Migrating all reporting to Azure with PBI or Domo front ends is what everyone ends up doing in the end. DV had to be made, but nothing beats on-prem solutions for cost, speed, and reliability. Replacing Access with Blazor or Go or whatever people think is the end-all-be-all out there nowadays will cost millions and quadruple DEV efforts and downtime for releases vs a simple Access DB. One should only move to SQL Server for scaling and avoid DV and Azure.