Extreme Scale question....
ParikshitSavjani Thanks for this valuable information. We serve nearly 1 million student per year and up to 20,000 concurrent user per day. Do you feel we could use your >5K configuration above with the highest Azure for MySQL 32 Cores, 320GB RAM memory optimized tier and that would be enough power? Your comments above mentions 10K concurrent users, but my requirements are at least double that.
We're looking at Moodle's IOMAD Multi-tenancy to more easily manage 200 companies (school districts) in a single place, but we're concerned that there is no configuration powerful enough based on your above configs. If that is true, then we might be forced to have 200 different Moodle instances instead of a giant powerful redundant setup.
1. Do you have a more powerful setup suggestion then what you are describing above?
2. Any suggestion on how can load test such a giant setup?