Hello Tech Community readers and Postgres people! This blog post was originally published on the Citus Open Source Blog, and we're cross-posting it here to make sure you learn about this speaking opportunity while the Call for Proposals is still open.
For those of you looking to give a talk at a Postgres conference, some good news: the CFP is open for Citus Con: An Event for Postgres 2023. Citus Con is a free and virtual developer event happening next April, hosted by the Postgres and Citus teams at Microsoft.
Carpe diem, as the CFP will close on Feb 5, 2023 at 11:59pm PST.
Videos of all of the Citus Con talks will be published online for the world to see, including on YouTube—so the reach of your talk is not limited to the day of the event.
Because it’s a virtual event, you won’t need to travel to give your talk. And you don’t need to worry about the process of recording your talk: the organizers take care of the video recording and production—all you need is a decent webcam and microphone. You can see from the playlist of last year’s Citus Con talks that the production values of the videos are quite good.
Key things to know about the CFP for Citus Con: An Event for Postgres 2023
- CFP deadline: CFP will close on Sunday, Feb 05, 2023 @ 11:59pm Pacific Time (PST)
- Virtual: no travel required
- Length of talks: 25 minutes/session
- Delivery of talks: Some talks will be presented “live” during the 2 livestreams; other talks will be pre-recorded in March, weeks before the event
- When is the event?: Apr 18-19, 2023
- What types of talk topics?: Here is a list of example topics the Talk Selection Team is hoping people will submit into the CFP… about Postgres, the Citus database extension, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, and Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL, formerly called Hyperscale (Citus)
- Other dates & deadlines: Full details, including important dates, are spelled out on the CFP page
- Code-of-conduct: You can find our event’s CoC online
Call for Speakers = Call for Proposals = CFP is open until Feb 5th, 2023
As with most Postgres events, you can see exactly who is on the Talk Selection Team.
If you want to submit a talk proposal (or two!), the Citus Con CFP page is the best place to get started. Then when you’re ready, you just need to click the Submit button to head on over to Sessionize, which is where the submissions get entered.
If you’re still deciding whether to submit a proposal or not, maybe this long list of reasons to give a Postgres talk will inspire you.
If you’re looking for advice about what makes a good talk proposal, the speaker resources on the CFP page can help. Including these favorites:
- Tips on how to get your conference talk selected, by Claire Giordano
- Get Your Conference Proposal Accepted, by Richard Schneeman
- What Your Conference Proposal Is Missing, by Sarah Mei
If you still have questions and want to chat with any of the organizers (or talk selection team) before you submit your CFP proposal, just join our Discord and go to the #CitusCon channel and ask away.
Figure 1: Key things to know about Citus Con: An Event for Postgres 2023, a free and virtual developer event happening on April 18-19, 2023. The CFP is open until Sunday, Feb 5, 2023 @ 11:59pm PST.
Everyone is welcome, including first-time speakers!
Whether you are just getting started with Postgres or you’re a regular speaker in the Postgres world, everyone is welcome at Citus Con: An Event for Postgres.
- CFP closes on Feb 5, 2023: If you want to propose a talk, be sure to submit to the CFP before the CFP closes on Sunday night, Feb 5th, 2023.
- Join us on Apr 18-19, 2023 for the livestreams: Come join us virtually and be part of the 2nd annual Citus Con: An Event for Postgres 2023.
- Save the date: To mark your calendar, just click on the Save-the-date button at the top of the Citus Con homepage here.
- Want to help more speakers learn about the CFP? You can help your friends and teammates learn about the CFP, so they don’t miss out on the opportunity. Take your pick: share the CFP page, share the @CitusCon tweets, share some of my Citus Con toots on Mastodon, or share this post on LinkedIn.
Here’s a pic of all the speakers from 2022, from last year’s Citus Con: An Event for Postgres. We send gratitude to each and every one of the speakers for making the first Citus Con so great. Can you see yourself on the speaker list in 2023?
Figure 2: Bio pics of all 42 speakers in the inaugural Citus Con: An Event for Postgres, from April 2022.
Updated Mar 31, 2023
Version 2.0clairegiordano
Joined September 25, 2019
Azure Database for PostgreSQL Blog
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