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Azure Functions Flex Consumption is now generally available

nzthiago's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Nov 19, 2024

Achieve the highest performance and security with Azure Functions Flex Consumption, now generally available

We are excited to announce that Azure Functions Flex Consumption is now generally available. This hosting plan provides the highest performance for Azure Functions with concurrency-based scaling for both HTTP and non-HTTP triggers, scale from zero to 1000 instances, and no cold start with the Always Ready feature. Flex Consumption also allows you to enjoy seamless integration with your virtual network at no extra cost, ensuring secure and private communication, with no considerable impact to your app’s scale out performance.



Graph showing a Flex Consumption app’s instances going from 0 to close to 1000 in less than 60 seconds

Learn more about How to achieve high HTTP scale with Azure Functions Flex Consumption, the engineering innovation behind it, and project Legion, the platform behind Flex Consumption.


In addition to the fast scaling based on per-instance concurrency, you can choose between 2048MB and 4096MB instance sizes. As the function app receives requests it will automatically scale from zero to as many instances of that instance size as needed based on per instance concurrency, and back to zero for cost efficiency when there’s no more requests to process. You can also take advantage of the built-in integration with Azure Load Testing and the Performance Optimizer to optimize your HTTP functions for performance and cost.


Flex Consumption is now generally available for .NET 8 on the isolated worker model, Java 11, Java 17, Node 20, PowerShell 7.4, Python 3.10, and Python 3.11 in Australia East, East Asia, East US, North Europe, Southeast Asia, Sweden Central, UK South, and West US 2, and in preview in East US 2, South Central US, and West US 3. By December 9th 2024, .NET 9 will also generally available in Australia East, East Asia, East US, North Europe, Southeast Asia, Sweden Central, and UK South.


Besides the currently supported DevOps and dev tools like VS Code, Java tooling, Azure Pipeline tasks, and GitHub Actions, you can now use the latest Visual Studio 2022 v17.12 update or newer to create and publish to Flex Consumption apps.    


Print screen of Flex Consumption support in Visual Studio 2022

The Flex Consumption plan offers competitive pricing with flexible options to fit your needs, with GA pricing taking effect on December 1, 2024. For detailed pricing information, please refer to the pricing page.

Customer adoption and scenarios

We have been working with several internal and external customers during the public preview period, with hundreds of external customers actively using Flex Consumption.

At Yggdrasil, we immediately started adopting Flex Consumption functions when they went into public preview, as they offer the combination of cost-efficiency, scalability, and security features we need to run our company. We already have 100 Flex Consumption functions running in production, and expect to move at least another 50 functions, now that the product has reached GA. We migrated to Flex from consumption to have VNet integration and private endpoints. – Andreas Strandfelt, Partner & Senior Cloud Specialist at Yggdrasil Commodities ApS


What really matters to us is that the app scales up and down based on demand. Azure Functions Flex Consumption is very appealing to us because of how it dynamically scales based on the number of messages that are queued up in Azure Event HubsStephan Miehe, GitHub Senior Director. Public case study


Microsoft AI

We had a need to process a large queue, representing a significant volume of data with inconsistent availability. Azure Functions Flex Consumption dramatically simplified the code footprint needed to perform this embarrassingly parallel task and helped us complete it in a much shorter timeframe that we had expected. – Craig Presti, Office of the CTO, Microsoft AI project

Going Forward

In the upcoming months we look forward to rolling out even more features to Flex Consumption, including:

  • Availability zones: Enabling availability zones will be possible for new and existing Flex Consumption apps
  • 512 MB instance size: We will introduce a new, smaller instance size for more granular control
  • Enhanced tooling support: PowerShell modules and Terraform AzureRM support
  • New language versions: Support for the latest language versions like Node 22, Python 3.12, and Java 21
  • Expanded regional availability: The number of regions will continue to expand in early 2025 with UAE North, Centra US, West US 3, South Central US, East US 2, West US, Canada Central, France Central, and Norway East coming first
  • Metrics support: Full Azure Monitor metrics support for Flex Consumption apps
  • Deployment improvements: Zero-downtime deployment to ensure no disruption to running executions
  • More triggers: Kafka and SQL triggers
  • Closing features: Addressing the limitations identified in Considerations

    Please let us know which ones are most important to you!

Get Started!

Explore our reference samples, quickstarts, and comprehensive documentation to get started with the Azure Functions Flex Consumption hosting plan today!

Updated Dec 03, 2024
Version 6.0
  • demiliani's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    There's absolutely the need to prioritize Western Europe for Flex Consumption availability. Please consider that.

  • tabinashabir's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Loveeeee it! when will Azure Functions Flex Consumption plan be available in south africa?

  • MeezanKhan9's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    hi all, for me it is not available in west europe, can you confirm when it is going live in west europe? we have our other resources in west europe and we are not able to connect with them

  • Thank you all for the comments and notes. We are working hard to address the final gaps noted in considerations early next year, and to also expand the regional availability of Flex Consumption. Stay tuned!

  • Ron_Peters's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Loving this! Any word on .NET 9 support in South Central US region?

    • nzthiago's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      We will be working to expand capacity in that region but unfortunately no estimate yet. 

  • yohankim's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    I tried to publish to my function code to this new Flex-Consumption plan with Visual Studio 17.12.2

    I am getting errors... Can we publish it with Visual Studio at all? Any example documentation on how to publish with Visual Studio?

    • nzthiago's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Yes, that version should support publishing to Flex Consumption. Make sure to choose an existing Flex Consumption app, or to create one in Visual Studio by choosing Azure -> Azure Funciton App (Linux) -> Create New -> then choose Flex Consumption in the Plan Type drop down.


      Can you share what exceptions you are getting?

  • Would love to use this, but I need it in "West Europe". Setting up an extra VNet to be able to use it from "North Europe" is not something we would like to implement. 

    • ODeribas's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      This is a showstopper for us as well. Is it not even clear if it we can wait a bit longer and it will be available in West Europe region or it is never coming.

      • nzthiago's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        We are working to expand capacity in multiple regions but unfortunately no estimate yet for West Europe. 

  • DebasishDas's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I wanted to take a moment to express my excitement about this offering from Microsoft. It truly is a fantastic service with incredible potential.


    Given its benefits, I believe that prioritizing the rollout in the "West Europe" region would be highly beneficial for us. This would greatly support our efforts towards adopting this service and leveraging it to its full potential.

  • SRasmussen's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    This is great!  However, I was hoping that several of the items in the 'Consideration' list were going to be fixed by GA.  Specifically, the 'Diagnostic Settings' and the 'Key Vault References'.  I'm part of a very large organization where I'm pushing for adoption of this technology, but the security team has come back and said that those 2 things are deal breakers.  The sooner those get resolved the better!

    • nzthiago's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Closing those final gaps in the considerations list is high on our priority list for early next year.

  • dalsoft's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I want to move to flex consumption plan, but I can't work out how much one 2GB always ready instance will cost. I understand the consumption cost, but not how much more this would cost me per month to fix cold starting.

    • nzthiago's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Let's say you have an app and chose the 2GB instance memory size. If you set one single Always Ready instance the price depends on how long the app is active for. We have a meter for baseline (using East US as the example 0.000004 per GB/s), and a meter for active (0.000016 per GB/s) that gets added to the baseline. So:

      • A 2GB Always Ready instance that has no executions for the whole month would only have baseline costs 0.000004 * 2GB * 730 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds equals to around $21.
      • A 2GB Always Ready instance that is always active and has constant executions for the whole month would have baseline + active costs (0.000004 + 0.000016) * 2GB * 730 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds equals to around $105
      • The cost for your real app would then be somewhere in between those two for that always ready instance, depending on how active the app (and therefore the instance) is.