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Distributed Caching with Azure Redis to boost your WordPress site's Performance

RadhikaB's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Nov 07, 2023

We are happy to announce the integration of Azure Redis Cache with WordPress on App Service. The integration of WordPress on App Service and Azure Cache for Redis offers improved user experience, reduced load on the App Service and database, and the flexibility to handle increased demands with ease.


Caching in WordPress is a technique used to improve the performance and speed of your WordPress website. By caching certain parts of your website or entire pages, you can reduce the load on your server and decrease page load times for your visitors. Caching can significantly improve the performance of your WordPress site, particularly when your site experiences high traffic loads.


If your WordPress site operates with multiple instances on the backend and your user base is distributed across the regions, then incorporating Azure Redis Cache for distributed caching can enhance your sites performance. 


Azure Redis Cache is a fully managed, in-memory data store service offered by Microsoft Azure. It is based on the popular open-source Redis database and is used to build high-performance, scalable applications by providing a fast and low-latency data cache. Azure Redis Cache is designed to handle data storage and retrieval in memory, which makes it suitable for scenarios where you need to accelerate data access and reduce the load on backend data stores or databases.


Steps to Configure Azure Redis Cache with WordPress:


Prerequisite: Your WordPress site is created from Azure Market Place , it is up and running. 


1. Follow the Quick Start Guide to create Azure Redis Cache. Make sure that the cache resource is created in the same region as your WordPress instance. 

2. From Azure Portal, go to Azure Cache for Redis resource, navigate to Overview blade. 

             a. Save the hostname for later use.

             b. Click on Ports and select No for Allow access only via SSL.

             c. Click the "Show Access Keys" and retain the primary key for later use



3. Now launch WordPress Admin dashboard and navigate to plugin section. 

4. Navigate to Plugins blade, make sure that W3TC plugin is installed and activated in your site

5. Now navigate to General Settings and enable Page Cache as shown below in the screenshot.




6. Enable Database Cache and Object Cache as shown in the below screen:



7. Click on either "Save Settings" or "Save Setting & Purge Cache" after every section to store your configurations.

8. Navigate to Page Cache blade in left menu and specify the Page Cache settings as shown in the below screenshot. 



9. Save the Database Cache settings navigating to Database Cache:



10. Now the last step to configure Object Cache and save the settings. 



Reference Links 

W3 Total Cache – WordPress plugin | 

How to set up a new WordPress website on Azure App Service - Microsoft Community Hub 


Support and Feedback  

In case you need any support, you can open a support request at New support request - Microsoft Azure.  

For more details about the offering, please visit  Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice (  

If you have any ideas about how we can make WordPress on Azure App Service better, please post your ideas at Post idea · Community ( or report an issue at Issues · Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice ( 

or you could email us at to start a conversation. 

Updated Nov 15, 2023
Version 3.0
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