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Post-retirement action for App Service Environment v1/v2, Logic Apps ISE, and APIM stv1

Mayunk_Jain's avatar
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Sep 03, 2024

As previously communicated, the following Azure services reached end of life on August 31, 2024:

  • Azure App Service Environment v1 and v2
  • Logic Apps Integration Service Environment
  • Azure API Management stv1

Customers running retired environments should migrate immediately to avoid security risk and loss of data. As part of our ongoing communication and assistance to migrate customers safely to their new environments, this article provides more information on the customer experience for any workloads that remain in production beginning 1st September 2024.


Please see the call-to-action section for a list of migration resources and guidance.


What will happen to applications after August 31, 2024?

We expect applications to remain available in the days immediately following the retirement date. However, Azure will start decommissioning the associated hardware. Maintenance tasks for decommissioning will affect customers’ application's availability and performance. This process will not have any impact on applications already on the latest version or those that were approved for extension before the retirement date.


The post-retirement customer experience will depend on the service, as follows:

  • Azure App Service Environment (ASE) v1 and v2: Customers who remain on ASE v1/v2 environments after the retirement date will experience intermittent outages as our teams prepare the environment for newer versions of the software. Please acknowledge the outages and begin work to migrate immediately. If there is no response or action from customers, we will attempt to auto-migrate the legacy environments. Please consider this only as a last resort and this scenario may require additional configuration from customers to bring the applications back online. It is essential that customers evaluate their v1/v2 environments and use the provided resources to complete the migration.
  • Logic Apps Integration Services Environment: (ISE): Customers who remain on ISE after the retirement date will start to experience outages. To avoid service disruptions, please export your logic apps workflows from ISE to Logic Apps Standard at the earliest. Additionally, read-only instances will continue to incur standard charges. To avoid unnecessary costs, we recommend customers to delete any instances that are no longer in use.

    • Starting September 1, 2024, Logic Apps executions on ISE Developer instances will be stopped and these instances will become read-only. Logic Apps deployed to these instances will be available for export for a limited time.
    • Starting October 1, 2024, Logic Apps executions on ISE Premium instances will also be stopped and these instances will become read-only. Logic Apps deployed to these instances will be available for export for a limited time.
    • Customers will not be able to export their Logic Apps after Feb 28 2025. Instances still deployed by the end of February 2025 will be deleted, incurring loss of data.
  • Azure API Management stv1: Customers who remain on APIM stv1 after the retirement date will start to experience outages. We will automatically migrate all the remaining stv1 service instances to the stv2 compute platform starting September 1, 2024. Automatic migration may cause downtime for upstream API consumers, and customers may need to update their network dependencies. All affected customers will be notified of the upcoming automatic migration one week in advance through emails to the subscription administrators and Azure Service Health Portal notifications. To avoid service disruptions, please migrate instances running on stv1 to stv2 at the earliest. The latest migration option addresses the networking dependencies, particularly the need for new subnets and IP changes. You can now retain the original IPs, both public and private, significantly simplifying the migration process.


What is the impact on support and SLA?

  • As of September 1, 2024, the Service Level Agreement (SLA) will no longer be applicable for continued use of the retired products beyond the retirement date.
  • Azure customer support will continue to handle support cases in a commercially reasonable manner. No new security and compliance investments will be made.
  • The ability to effectively mitigate issues that might arise from lower-level Azure dependencies may be impaired due to the retirement.


What is the call to action?

If you are still running one or more of the following services, please use the available resources listed here to complete the migration at the earliest.


Learn live

Migration Resources

Public resources

App Service Environment version 1 and version 2 will be retired on 31 August 2024

·       Episode 1

·       Bonus episode: Side by side migration

App Service Environment version 3 migration

·       Using the in-place migration feature

·       Estimate your cost savings by migrating to App Service Environment v3

Integration Services Environment will be retired on 31 August 2024


·       Episode 2

Logic Apps Standard migration

·       Export ISE workflows to a Standard logic app

·       ISE Retirement FAQ

Support for API Management instances hosted on the stv1 platform will be retired by 31 August 2024.


·       Episode 3

API Management STV2 migration







Updated Sep 03, 2024
Version 6.0
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