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Superfast using Web App and Managed Identity to invoke Function App triggers

theringe's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Mar 12, 2025

This method allows you to invoke Function App triggers using Managed Identity for enhanced security


  1. Introduction
  2. Setup
  3. References


1. Introduction

Many enterprises prefer not to use App Keys to invoke Function App triggers, as they are concerned that these fixed strings might be exposed.

This method allows you to invoke Function App triggers using Managed Identity for enhanced security.

I will provide examples in both Bash and Node.js.


2. Setup

1. Create a Linux Python 3.11 Function App


1.1. Configure Authentication to block unauthenticated callers while allowing the Web App’s Managed Identity to authenticate.

Identity Provider


Choose a tenant for your application and it's users

Workforce Configuration

App registration type



[automatically generated]

Client Secret expiration

[fit-in your business purpose]

Supported Account Type

Any Microsoft Entra Directory - Multi-Tenant

Client application requirement

Allow requests from any application

Identity requirement

Allow requests from any identity

Tenant requirement

Use default restrictions based on issuer

Token store



1.2. Create an anonymous trigger. Since your app is already protected by App Registration, additional Function App-level protection is unnecessary; otherwise, you will need a Function Key to trigger it.


1.3. Once the Function App is configured, try accessing the endpoint directly—you should receive a 401 Unauthorized error, confirming that triggers cannot be accessed without proper Managed Identity authorization.


1.4. After making these changes, wait 10 minutes for the settings to take effect.


2. Create a Linux Node.js 20 Web App and Obtain an Access Token and Invoke the Function App Trigger Using Web App (Bash Example)


2.1. Enable System Assigned Managed Identity in the Web App settings.


2.2. Open Kudu SSH Console for the Web App.


2.3. Run the following commands, making the necessary modifications:

  • subscriptionsID → Replace with your Subscription ID.
  • resourceGroupsID → Replace with your Resource Group ID.
  • application_id_uri → Replace with the Application ID URI from your Function App’s App Registration.
  • → Replace with the corresponding Function App trigger URL.
# Please setup the target resource to yours

# Variable Setting (No need to change)

# Install necessary tool
apt install -y jq

# Get Access Token
accessToken=$(curl -s -H "Metadata: true" -H "X-IDENTITY-HEADER: $identityHeader" "$tokenUri" | jq -r '.access_token')
echo "Access Token: $accessToken"

# Run Trigger
response=$(curl -s -o response.json -w "%{http_code}" -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken")
echo "HTTP Status Code: $response"
echo "Response Body:"
cat response.json


2.4. If everything is set up correctly, you should see a successful invocation result.


3. Invoke the Function App Trigger Using Web App (nodejs Example)

I have also provide my example, which you can modify accordingly and save it to /home/site/wwwroot/callFunctionApp.js and run it

cd /home/site/wwwroot/
vi callFunctionApp.js
npm init -y 
npm install azure/identity axios
node callFunctionApp.js
// callFunctionApp.js
const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");
const axios = require("axios");

async function callFunctionApp() {
    try {
        const applicationIdUri = "api://9c0012ad-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX"; // Change here

        const credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();

        console.log("Requesting token...");
        const tokenResponse = await credential.getToken(applicationIdUri);
        if (!tokenResponse || !tokenResponse.token) {
            throw new Error("Failed to acquire access token");

        const accessToken = tokenResponse.token;
        console.log("Token acquired:", accessToken);

        const apiUrl = "";  // Change here

        console.log("Calling the API now...");

        const response = await axios.get(apiUrl, {
            headers: {
                Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,

        console.log("HTTP Status Code:", response.status);
        console.log("Response Body:",;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error("Failed to call the function", error.response ? : error.message);


Below is my execution result:


3. References

Tutorial: Managed Identity to Invoke Azure Functions | Microsoft Learn

How to Invoke Azure Function App with Managed Identity | by Krizzia 🤖 | Medium

Configure Microsoft Entra authentication - Azure App Service | Microsoft Learn





Updated Mar 12, 2025
Version 1.0
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