First published on TechNet on Apr 09, 2008
Hi. This is Jim from Directory Services. I spend a great deal of time working through remote Easy Assist / Live Meeting sessions, sometimes with client machines half way round the globe and the latency can be excruciating.
In my experience I have found that using the CMD line as well as START - RUN to launch administrative tools can be a more expedient way to do system administration. Using the mouse and clicking repeatedly to launch an administrative interface is not always the most efficient, especially in an extremely latent remote session. An errant click will always do you in. To this end I felt the need to create a one stop “short cut” reference to launch some of the more popular administrative applets. This is suitable for pinup in your cube or office. Feel free to commit them all to memory.
RUN/CMD shortcuts for AD management
ADFS.msc | AD Federation Services |
CERTMGR.msc | Certificate Management –Current User |
Certification Authority Management |
CERTTMPL.msc | Certificate Templates |
COMPMGMT.msc | Computer Management |
COMEXP.msc | Component Services C:windowssystem32com |
DCOMCNFG | Component Services |
DSA.msc | ADUC (AD Users and Computers) |
DFSGUI.msc | DFS Management |
DFSMGMT.msc | DFS Management R2 |
DNSMGMT.msc | DNS Management |
DOMAIN.msc | Domains and Trusts |
DSSITE.msc | Sites and Services |
EVENTVWR.msc | Event Viewer |
GPEDIT.msc | Local Policy |
GPMC.msc | Group Policy Management Console |
PKIVIEW.msc | PKI management |
RSOP.msc | Resultant set of Policy |
SECPOL.msc | Local Security Policy |
SERVICES.msc | Services |
SCHMMGMT.msc | Schema Management |
TASKMGR | Task Manager |
TASKSCHD.msc | Task Scheduler |
TSCC.msc | TS Configuration |
These are .exe’s
TSADMIN | TS Administrator |
LICMGR | TS Licensing |
SERVERMANAGER.exe | Server Manager |
NAPCLCFG.msc | Network Access Protection Client Configuration |
PERFMON.msc | Performance Monitor |
STOREXPL.msc | Storage Manager |
TSCONFIG | TS Configuration |
WBADMIN | Windows Server Backup |
WF.msc | Windows Firewall + Advanced Security |
RUN shortcuts for Windows OS management
NCPA.CPL | Network Properties |
APPWIZ.CPL | Add remove programs |
DEVMGMT.msc | Device Manager |
FSMGMT.msc | File Share Management |
SYSDM.CPL | System Properties |
FIREWALL.CPL | Firewall applet |
DESK.CPL | Display Properties |
CONTROL | Control Panel |
SYSDM.CPL | System Properties |
ACCESS.CPL | Accessibility Options |
APPWIZ.CPL | Add/Remove Programs |
TIMEDATE.CPL | Date/Time Properties |
DESK.CPL | Display Properties |
FONTS | Fonts Folder |
INETCPL.CPL | Internet Properties |
JOY.CPL | Joystick Properties |
LUSRMGR.MSC | Local Users and Groups |
MAIN.CPL Keyboard | Keyboard Properties |
MLCFG32.CPL | Microsoft Exchange |
WGPOCPL.CPL | Microsoft Mail Post Office |
MAIN.CPL | Mouse Properties |
MMSYS.CPL | Multimedia Properties |
PASSWORD.CPL | Password Properties |
MAIN.CPL PC CARD (pcmcia) | PC Card |
PRINTERS | Printers Folder |
INTL.CPL | Regional Settings |
STICPL.CPL | Scanners and Cameras |
MMSYS.CPL sounds | Sound Properties |
- Jim "Mouse-Click Blues" Tierney
Updated Jul 25, 2024
Version 3.0NedPyle
Joined April 26, 2017
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