I've connected to the cognitive search data source and got this error when chatting in the playground:
Azure Search Error: 400, message='Server responded with status 400. Error message: {"error":{"code":"FeatureNotSupportedInService","message":"Parameter 'speller' is not supported on 'free' tier search services, nor search services created before 2019-01-01. See https://aka.ms/azs-speller for more information.\r\nParameter name: speller","details":[{"code":"SpellerNotAvailable","message":"Parameter 'speller' is not supported on 'free' tier search services, nor search services created before 2019-01-01. See https://aka.ms/azs-speller for more information."}]}}', url=URL('https://xxx.search.windows.net/indexes/xxx/docs/search?api-version=2021-04-30-Preview')
Call to Azure Search instance failed.
API Users: Please ensure you are using the right instance, index_name and provide admin_key as the api_key.
We use Basic tier and our service has been created recently.