Hi Akshay_Attota
Thanks for this article ad yaml file i was able to complete my project,
I have one doubt here ,on your very first comment about override parameters.
-conn_kv_properties_typeProperties_baseUrl "$(KeyVaultUrl)"
-LS_databricks_properties_typeProperties_domain "$(Databricksurl)"
-ls_transient_properties_typeProperties_url "$(DLGSTransient)"
-ls_external_properties_typeProperties_url "$(DLGSExternal)"
here -conn_kv_properties_typeProperties_baseUrl "$(value)" his this defined by you somewhere in another file or we have to put direct value there?
can you help me how do I write it? I have ARM template parameter file and its URLs are pointing to dev databases,how do i override them in yaml to point to prod database during deployment.
Thanks in Advance Akshay_Attota