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ADX Web Explorer updates – June 2022

Michal_Bar's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jul 05, 2022

Welcome back to our monthly ADX web explorer updates! Continue reading to learn about improvements and new features in the Query area as well as new One Click capabilities:

  1. Show only rows that fit the search
  2. Support Ysplit=panels
  3. Create tables graphically
  4. Generate sample app supports manual table creation


We are focused on continuously improving the results exploration experience in ADX web UI, to make it easy and intuitive. Our goal is to provide an easy-to-use UI so that you will not be required to re-write KQL queries in order to perform light-weight data exploration.

Check out the latest addition in this area which allows you to show only rows that fit a certain search:



Support ysplit=panels (render operator)

We added support for the ysplit property when using the render operator for barchart, columnchart, timechart, linechart and areachart.

When using ysplit=panels, one chart is rendered for each ycolumn value (up to some limit), as you can see in the example below:


let min_t = datetime(2017-01-05);
let max_t = datetime(2017-02-03 22:00);
let dt = 2h;
| make-series num=avg(num) on TimeStamp from min_t to max_t step dt by sid
| where sid == 'TS1'   //  select a single time series just to get cleaner visualization
| extend (baseline, seasonal, trend, residual) = series_decompose(num, -1, 'linefit')
| render timechart with( ysplit=panels)  


Create tables graphically

Using ingestion in ADX Web Explorer you can create a table by inferring the structure from the sample data provided in a blob, ADLS, Event Hubs etc. We are adding an additional option to Create table graphically without providing any data.

We have added a new Source type “None” to trigger this flow.




At Schema tab, you can add columns & relevant data types to create the desired table.





Generate sample app supports manual table creation

The one-click sample app generator is a tool that allows you to create a working app to ingest and query your data in your preferred programming language. We have extended the manual table creation option to this flow to support creating sample apps based on the table structure defined by the user.

Similar to the previous create table option, you can trigger this option by selecting Source type as “None” in sample app generator flow.


At Schema tab, you can then define the table structure & generate the sample code based on it.




Azure Data Explorer Web UI team is looking forward for your feedback in

You’re also welcome to add more ideas and vote for them here -

Updated Jul 05, 2022
Version 6.0
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