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New ADX Dashboards Customization Features: More Control, Better Usability, and Improved Performance

Michal_Bar's avatar
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Feb 13, 2025

We’re introducing new dashboard customization features to enhance control, usability, and performance. From managing data series visibility to improving navigation and map behavior, these updates help create a clearer, more efficient dashboard experience.


Legend Number Configuration for Dashboards

To enhance readability and performance, dashboard authors can now configure the number of data series displayed on load when multiple series are expected in a chart.

Additional series remain accessible via the legend and can be rendered as needed. 


For example, imagine a chart designed to display energy consumption over time for a fleet of cars. The dashboard author expects a large number of data series—one for each vehicle. To make the chart easier to interpret and improve dashboard performance, they can now set a limit on how many series are rendered initially. Users can still explore the full dataset by selecting additional series from the legend. 




Crosshair Tooltip Number Configuration

We’re introducing a new setting under Display options that allows dashboard authors to control the number of data points displayed in a chart’s crosshair tooltip. 

Depending on the expected number of data series in a chart and the specific use case, dashboard owners can now set a limit on how many data points appear in the tooltip. This helps improve readability and prevents overcrowding when dealing with a large number of series. 

With this update, users can tailor the tooltip experience to focus on the most relevant insights while keeping charts clear and easy to interpret.


This tile-level setting may be overridden by the general ADX web setting, "Show all series in chart tooltip."




Adjustable Panel Width for Editors and Viewers

We’re introducing a highly requested improvement: the ability to manually adjust the width of the pages pane in both edit and view modes. 

For dashboards with multiple pages—especially those with long names—users can now resize the panel by dragging to expand or collapse it, making navigation easier and improving usability. This flexibility ensures a more comfortable viewing experience, allowing users to see more of their page names at a glance without truncation. 


Map Centering Configuration for Dashboard Tiles

Introducing a new setting to Map visualizations in Dashboards, giving users more control over how maps behave during data refreshes.

With the new auto center setting, displayed on top of the map visualization, users can choose whether the map resets its zoom and center position upon refresh or maintains their manually adjusted view:

  • Auto center OFF: The zoom level and position set by the user will persist across data refreshes, preventing unwanted zoom-in/out changes. Users can still manually reset the view using the Center button.
  • Auto center ON: The map will automatically adjust its zoom and center position with each data refresh, ensuring the view is always recalibrated based on the latest data.

This feature helps prevent disruptions in analysis, particularly for users who prefer a fixed view while monitoring live data updates.


Azure Data Explorer Web UI team is looking forward for your feedback in 

You’re also welcome to add more ideas and vote for them here - Ideas

Published Feb 13, 2025
Version 1.0
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