Customers use SAP systems for their business-critical operations. Today, customers want to be able to combine their SAP data with non-SAP data for their analytics needs. Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a...
We are very excited by the CDC connector and have been able to test it out the past few months, we are seeing fantastic performance both in terms of data volume and the related impact to the source systems.
At this point my team is eager to implement this fully but SAP is claiming that the connector should not be used and that there are risks to system upgrades that would be introduced. I don't really see any technical issues but they have documented the restriction in their ODP FAQ's.
Would be curious to hear your thoughts and any context you may have in terms of how the Connector was built, whether SAP was involved as a partner, and how you are leveraging the ODP framework even though SAP claims it is not open to 3rd party ETL tools?