Today, we worked on a service request where our customer got the following error message scaling database error from General Purpose to Hyperscale "Error message: 'Update to service objective 'xyz' for Hub DBs' is not supported for entity 'DatabaseName'. Following, I would like to share with you our findings.
We have some limitations scaling databases to HyperScale that were provided in these two articles:
- Announcing General Availability (GA) of Zone Redundancy for Azure SQL Database Hyperscale tier - Microsoft Community Hub
- What is SQL Data Sync for Azure? - Azure SQL Database | Microsoft Learn
If you receive any of these two messages: Update to service objective 'xyz' for Hub DB and Update to service objective 'xyz' for Sync DB scaling to Hyperscale please, review the limitation about DataSync "Using an Azure SQL Hyperscale database as a Hub or Sync Metadata database is not supported. However, a Hyperscale database can be a member database in a Data Sync topology."
Published Feb 02, 2023
Version 1.0Jose_Manuel_Jurado
Joined November 29, 2018
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