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Azure Advocate Weekly Round Up - Holidays are almost here!

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Dec 04, 2020

Sarah Lean

Sarah is a Cloud Advocate for Microsoft. In this Discover STEM video Sarah talks about cloud computing, including explaining the basic principles behind the technology, using terms like servers, data centres and computing power. She provides some advantages and disadvantages of using the technology and also provide  examples for how industry might use cloud technology in the future.  


A Gentle Introduction to Using a Docker Container as a Dev Environment | CSS-Tricks
Burke Holland

Sarcasm disclaimer: This article is mostly sarcasm. I do not think that I actually speak for Dylan Thomas and I would never encourage you to foist a light


Green Energy Efficient Progressive Web Apps | Sustainable Software
Asim Hussain

As a web developer, can we adjust our code to participate in the global effort to reduce the carbon footprint? PWAs offer some solutions


How to Monitor an Azure virtual machine with Azure Monitor
Thomas Maurer

Here is how to use Azure Monitor to collect and analyze monitoring data from Azure virtual machines to maintain their health. Virtual machines can be monitor...


Working with Git Branches!
Sarah Lean

Let's get to grips with Git Branches


5 things you should know about Real-Time Analytics | A Cloud Guru
Adi Polak

Running analytics on real-time data is a challenge many data engineers are facing today. But not all analytics can be done in real time! Many are dependent on the volume of the data and the processing requirements. Even logic conditions are becoming a bottleneck. For example, think about join operations on huge tables with more […]


AzUpdate: Azure portal updates, ARM Template support for file share backup and more
Anthony Bartolo

It might be snowing in parts of the Northern Hemisphere, but we won't let that stop us from sharing Azure news with you.  News covered this week includes: New Azure Portal updates for November 2020, Azure Resource Manager template support for Azure file share backup, How to use Windows Admin Center on-premises to manage Azure Windows Server VMs, Multiple new features for Azure VPN Gateway now Generally Available, and our Microsoft Learn Module of the Week.


Hybrid management. Where do I start?
Pierre Roman

Managing & maintaining servers on-premises or in multiple clouds, as well as Azure? Learn about management tools for your servers wherever they are.  


#VisualizeIT: A free online series of workshops to build your visual storytelling skills!
Nitya Narasimhan

#VisualizeIT is a free online series of workshops for creative technologists, from @MSFTReactor, @azureadvocates and members of the @letssketchtech community. 


Handle app button events in Microsoft Teams tabs
Waldek Mastykarz

Did you know that you can respond to user clicking on the app button of your Microsoft Teams personal app?


Weekly Update #67 - Rebuilding laptops, filming videos and news!
Sarah Lean

In this week's update I talk about rebuilding my laptop, talking at a user group, filming videos and the Azure news of the week. :red_circle: Azure Cloud Shell Update -...


Picking the Right Distributed Database [Create: Data]
Abhishek Gupta

"In God we trust, all others must bring data" William Edwards Deming Well...


Securing a Windows Server VM in Azure
Sonia Cuff

If you've built and managed Windows Servers in an on-premises environment, you may have a set of configuration steps as well as regular process and monitoring alerts, to ensure that server is as secure as possible. But if you run a Windows Server VM in Azure, apart from not having to manage the physical security of the underlying compute hardware, what on-premises concepts still apply, what may you need to alter and what capabilities of Azure should you include?


CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.3 - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog
Waldek Mastykarz

Connect to the latest conferences, trainings, and blog posts for Microsoft 365, Office client, and SharePoint developers. Join the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.


Microsoft 365 PnP Weekly - Episode 107 - Microsoft 365 Developer Blog
Waldek Mastykarz

Connect to the latest conferences, trainings, and blog posts for Microsoft 365, Office client, and SharePoint developers. Join the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.


What is Serverless SQL? And how to use it for Data Exploration | by Adi Polak | Dec, 2020 | Towards Data Science
Adi Polak

So, you are a data scientist, you work with data and need to explore it and run some analytics on the data before jumping into running extensive machine learning algorithms. According to Wikipedia…


Terraform for Java developers, part 1 of 4
Julien Dubois

An introduction to Terraform focusing on Java developers. In this first video (out of 4), we describe what Terraform is, and we fork the Spring Petclinic pro...


Updated Dec 08, 2020
Version 3.0