New Learn Modules for Azure and Window Server IT Pros is just the beginning to this weeks content wrap up from the Advocate team!
Content Round Up
Mod 11:Deploy Azure File Sync (Video)
Orin Thomas
Short video for MS Learn course - Module 11: Implement a hybrid File Server Infrastructure - Deploy Azure File Sync
Mod 20:Manage Azure VM Backups (Video)
Orin Thomas
Short video for MS Learn course - Module 20: Implement hybrid backup and recovery with Windows Server IaaS - Manage Azure VM backups with Azure Backup service.
New Microsoft Learn Modules for Azure and Windows Server IT Pros
Thomas Maurer
In the last couple of days, we published a couple of new Microsoft Learn modules around Azure, Hybrid Cloud, and Windows Server for IT Pros. These modules help you to learn how you can leverage Microsoft Azure in a hybrid cloud environment to manage Windows Server.
Migrate VMs from AWS to Azure with Azure Migrate
Sarah Lean
Blog and video around using Azure Migrate to migrate from AWS to Azure
How to use Terraform to Create Azure DevOps Projects
Anthony Bartolo
With the recent release by HashiCorp and Microsoft of the Azure DevOps Provider 0.0.1 for Terraform we look at how to use these new features to create repeatable standardized projects into Azure DevOps by MVP Chris Jeffery
Blog/ Setting-up Codespaces for .NET Core App Development
Justin Yoo
This post shows how to set up a common development environment for Visual Studio Codespaces to build .NET Core applications.
Video: Migrate your AWS VMs to Azure with Azure Migrate
Sarah Lean
A video showcasing how Azure Migrate can be used to migrate virtual machines from AWS across to Azure.
Connect Azure Cloud Shell to Virtual Network vNet
Thomas Maurer
As you know, Azure Cloud Shell is a great management tool to manage your Azure resources. Azure Cloud Shell is an interactive, authenticated, browser-accessible shell for managing Azure resources. It provides the flexibility of choosing the shell experience that best suits the way you work, either Bash or PowerShell. You can learn more about Azure Cloud Shell here. If you wanted to manage Azure resources such as Azure virtual machines (VMs), you needed to connect to a public IP address of a virtual machine, which really didn't work in all scenarios. With the latest update, you can now connect Azure Cloud Shell to an Azure virtual network (vNet). With the new method, you can now deploy the Azure Cloud Shell container within your virtual network (vNet), which now allows you to use PowerShell remoting, SSH, or other command-line tools such as kubctl using private IP addresses.
GraphQL on Azure: Part 3 - Azure Functions
Aaron Powell
Blog/ Turning Raspberry PI into Remote Controller
Justin Yoo
This post shows how to enable LIRC module on a Raspberry PI so that it turns into a remote controller for all home appliances.
AzureFunBytes - A Twitch show on how to use all the fundamentals that are Microsoft Azure. This time we look at the options for containers on Azure.
Web API Authentication with Microsoft.Identity.Web
Matt Soucoup
Learn how to authenticate to an ASP.NET Core Web API protected by Azure AD with the Microsoft.Identity.Web library.
Azure Architecture Best Practices Virtual Event
Thomas Maurer
I am happy to let you know about another free online event where I am presenting together with Microsoft Cloud Solution Architect, Dominik Zemp, about Azure Architecture Best Practices. This free virtual event will be on August 18 from 9:30am-12:00pm (CEST). In this session, you will learn about proven guidance that's designed to help you, architect, create and implement the business and technology strategies necessary for your organization to succeed in the cloud. It provides best practices, documentation, and tools that cloud architects, IT professionals, and business decision-makers need to successfully achieve their short- and long-term objectives. We will be focusing on topics like the Cloud Adoption Framework and the new Enterprise-Scale landing zone architecture.
Use Debezium pgoutput plugin with Azure PostgreSQL
Abhishek Gupta
This blog will provide a quick walk through of how to use the PostgreSQL pgoutput plugin with Debezium on Azure
"Get Inspired By These BitCamp Final Projects by High School Students!" post
Chloe Condon
The Students I have been working with in Bit Project are presenting their final projects this week. This blogpost will highlight these 7 projects and link to their open source projects/MSLearn modules. The event is live here on 8/13 (and I will be updating the blog post with the recorded video of presentations after 8/13)!
Twitch stream: adding accessibility tooling and linting to a React-based game
Em Lazer-Walker
I took the Azure-based social space / event platform I'm building for the Roguelike Celebration conference and added in a few different accessibility linting tools, including integrating them with GitHub and GitHub Actions. I talked through the value (and limitations!) of automated accessibility tooling, and went through my app live and fixed accessibility issues based on the feedback.
Azure Functions with WSL2 and Visual Studio Code
Alvaro Videla Godoy
Explains how to solve a couple of problems we might find while getting started with Azure Functions with WSL2 and Visual Studio Code on Windows 10
Updated Oct 30, 2020
Version 2.0Shayne Boyer
Brass Contributor
Joined September 25, 2018
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