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Contributor Stories: Muhammad Samiullah

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Feb 21, 2025



If you’ve ever engaged with content on the Microsoft Learn platform, it's highly likely that the material you utilized was written or co-authored by dedicated contributors. These contributors, often volunteers, generously offer their time and expertise to fill knowledge gaps within our portfolio and ensure the content remains up to date.

In this Contributor Spotlight interview series, we aim to acquaint ourselves with some of these valuable contributors. Through these conversations, we seek to understand their motivations for sharing their knowledge and gain insights into their experiences.

Today, we’re thrilled to introduce you to Muhammad Samiullah, a valued and respected contributor to various Microsoft platforms and initiatives. Muhammad lives in Pakistan and is currently employed at a private IT company as a Cloud Engineer. In this role, he leverages his innate curiosity for tech to troubleshoot, resolve issues, and maintain smooth cloud operations. As part of his professional journey, Muhammad is also recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP), a testament to his deep expertise and contributions to the tech community. He believes in empowering others through education and enjoys sharing his experiences to help others navigate their own journeys. In his free time, he loves connecting with nature, traveling, and immersing himself in different cultures.

Here are some of Muhammad’s recent contributions to and 

Muhammad Samiullah

Meet Muhammad 

Sherry: Hi Muhammad! Wonderful to finally meet you! I know you have lots of great information to share with our listeners today, so let’s jump right in and get started! Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, such as your background, experience, and involvement with Microsoft Learn 
Muhammad: Hey Sherry! Sure, and thanks for having me here today. As far as my background, I’m passionate about cloud technology. I live in Karachi, Pakistan, and I’m in my final year of college, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in computer science. I currently work for a private IT company as a Trainee Cloud Engineer. My primary responsibility is to maintain smooth cloud operations, so typically that means troubleshooting and resolving issues.  

While attending college, I’ve been very fortunate to serve as a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador. In this role, I’ve been able to contribute to lots of Microsoft initiatives that have allowed me to advance my career, gain valuable skills, achieve personal milestones, and give me a hefty sense of fulfillment! Some of the Microsoft Learn contributions I’m most proud of are: coauthoring user-friendly Azure Cloud training modules for students, identifying multiple bugs as part of the Microsoft Learn Bug Bash event, and adding a few Azure Static Web App and Azure App Service projects to the Microsoft Academic content repository. I’m a big fan of the Microsoft Tech Community site, as well – both reading the posts and publishing my own. Last year, I wrote and published a post about GitHub Codespaces and another one about the Online AI Text Translator. 

In addition to my enthusiasm for sharing my knowledge and experience via open-source content, I love mentoring students and organizing local community events. For example, I established a Microsoft Learn community at my university and later founded the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors (MLSA) Karachi community, a citywide community of Microsoft Learn that introduces Microsoft products and Azure cloud services to thousands of students. I also organized cloud study groups to help students successfully pass the Azure Fundamentals certification (AZ-900) exam. Recently, I mentored students for the Microsoft 2024 Imagine Cup event by teaching them how to use Azure, Azure Open AI Service, and Azure Cognitive Services.  

Sherry: I’m truly in awe of your determination and commitment (and multitasking abilities - hahaha) to juggle all that you do – college, career, and various Microsoft Student Ambassador activities. Thanks for sharing all that and huge kudos to you. What prompted you to start contributing to Microsoft initiatives in the first place, and what inspires you to continue? 

Muhammad: My inspiration to start contributing to Microsoft Learn and Microsoft Tech Community stemmed from two of my big passions – technology and a desire to empower others through education. As I advanced in my own learning journey, I realized how impactful both the Learn platform and Tech Community site were in providing resources and support to students and professionals alike. This sense of community and shared learning environment motivated me to get involved and contribute my own knowledge and experiences to help others navigate their journeys. 

Seeing the tangible impact of my work on the lives and careers of others is what motivates me to keep contributing. Whether through creating user-friendly learning modules, finding and reporting bugs in content, or organizing community events, every opportunity to support and guide individuals in their growth strengthens my dedication and continued involvement. Additionally, collaborating with industry experts and fellow contributors in the Microsoft Tech Community allows me to expand my own knowledge and fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual support. All of this fuels my motivation to keep giving back! 

Sherry: Wow! I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this before, Muhammad, but whenever you mention your contributing and mentoring experiences, you truly LIGHT UP! Your heartfelt enthusiasm and genuine dedication for contributing are as clear as day! How about your own personal journey? Has contributing to Microsoft helped you gain any new skills and/or advanced your career/education?  
Muhammad: Yes and yes! Contributing to Microsoft Learn and Microsoft Tech Community have been instrumental in helping me to grow professionally, academically, and personally. Overall, my Microsoft experiences have provided me with a comprehensive understanding of Azure services/cloud ecosystem, strengthened my passion for technology, and motivated me to continue helping students explore new technologies without limitations. 

Coauthoring Microsoft Learn modules and writing articles for Microsoft Tech Community have enhanced my communication skills and increased my knowledge of cloud technologies, open-source development, and documentation practices. Engaging with Microsoft sites and working with Microsoft professionals have improved my collaboration, leadership, and technical skills. And last but not least, organizing Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador (MLSA) events, mentoring others, and guiding students in their own technical journeys were invaluable experiences for me. These community-related opportunities helped me achieve two personal milestones: making a positive impact in the tech community and receiving public recognition for my efforts. I’m incredibly grateful for all that I’ve experienced and learned thus far with my Microsoft contributions and initiatives! 

These community-related opportunities helped me achieve two personal milestones: making a positive impact in the tech community and receiving public recognition for my efforts. - Muhammad Samiullah

Sherry:  That’s fantastic! It’s wonderful to hear all the ways that contributing to Microsoft has enriched your life! Do you have any advice for folks who want to start contributing to the Microsoft Learn platform 

Muhammad: That’s a really great question. I think it’s important for new contributors to first begin by simply identifying projects that align with their interests and expertise. Start with areas they’re passionate about and familiar with, as this makes contributions more meaningful and enjoyable. Basically, take the time to explore different open-source projects, read documentation, and understand their community’s guidelines and contribution processes. 

Once they find a project or content they want to contribute to, start small and gradually increase their involvement. Look for tasks such as fixing bugs, improving documentation, or adding new features. Also, they shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions and seek guidance from the content’s maintainers and community members. Communication and collaboration are key to successful open-source contributions. Finally, be patient and persistent – open-source contributions can be incredibly rewarding, offering opportunities for growth and meaningful connections within the tech community. 

Sherry: Yes! That’s really helpful advice – start small to build up your comfort and confidence. Thanks for saying that. So, I have one final question for you, Muhammad. Do you mind sharing what your personal hobbies and interests are – what you like to do in your free time? I’d love to know more about YOU, the person behind all of the fabulous contributions!  

Muhammad: Of course, I’m happy to, Sherry. For starters, I definitely try to maintain a healthy work-life balance, so aside from work and college, I find great joy in doing things that allow me to relax and rejuvenate. One of my favorite activities is planting. I enjoy nurturing plants and watching them grow, which brings a sense of calm and fulfillment to my day. It's a peaceful way to connect with nature and take a break from the fast-paced world of technology. 

Traveling is another passion of mine. Exploring new places and immersing myself in different cultures opens my mind to new perspectives and experiences. Whether it's a short trip to a nearby destination or a journey to a far-off place, I cherish the opportunity to discover new landscapes, try local cuisines, and meet people from all walks of life. For me, traveling gives me incredible inspiration and energy to take back to my professional and academic pursuits. 

Sherry: Yep,completely agree. Connecting with nature is super relaxing for me, as well. I love sitting outside in my quiet, wooded backyard – just reading and listening to nature sounds! Perfection! Thanks so much for spending this time with me today, Muhammad, and for sharing your experiences with our listeners. I’m looking forward to reading your future Microsoft contributions. Oops, I almost forgot! Wishing you a BIG congratulations on earning your bachelor’s degree and graduating college! 😊🎉👏🏼 

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Updated Feb 18, 2025
Version 1.0
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