Some of you may recall back in June we posted a blog introducing AMBA and since then we've received a huge amount of interest and adoption in its use as well as hearing from you on what you needed to be able to use AMBA in your environment.
We've made significant investment and progress in addressing feedback and fixes and I'm pleased to announce the AMBA pattern for ALZ is now GA! As part of GA we're also integrating the recommended alerts into the ALZ Azure Portal reference implementation for new deployments (please visit with Bicep and Terraform support planned in the near future.
Picture of the Azure landing zone portal page for Baseline Alerts and Monitoring
As part of GA announcement this comes with some things you should be aware of:
- ALZ will be known as a Pattern / Scenario within the new repo
- We're archiving the old ALZ-Monitor repo making way for a broader Azure Monitor observability repo Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts that plans to encompass much more than the ALZ pattern. This allows for collaboration across our many teams to bring customers and partners recommended alerts for all our services in one location
- We have simplified the deployment experience moving from Bicep to ARM. For customers who have previously deployed the preview version please visit Moving from preview to GA | Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts
- Whilst we developed AMBA with ALZ in mind, we remain committed to Brownfield customers who are not aligned to ALZ and guidance is provided on how to deploy to your existing Azure environment
I'd highly recommend reading the new CAF guidance which can be see here and see how this could be onboarded in to your environment. We know from experience during the preview phases that it takes time to bring various teams together to discuss and agree on deployment, which alerts are suitable, who should be involved in the discussions etc so it's wise to start those conversations now alongside learning about the AMBA capability.
Thank you to all the customers, partners, Microsoft Engineering teams and individual Microsoft contributors who have helped create, shape and influence this welcome addition to the Azure Monitor tooling!
Updated Oct 06, 2023
Version 4.0PaulGrimley_MSFT
Joined September 19, 2018
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