Chapter 2
- Bicep Development Environment
Bicep is a language. You will need an editor to write the language and an environment to run it.
Visual Studio Code
reference: Deploy Bicep files from Visual Studio Code
Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell
reference: How to deploy resources with Bicep and Azure CLI
Deploy resources with Bicep and Azure PowerShell
!! The bicep file can be run from Visual Studio Code, so if you have VS Code installed, you do not need a command line.
Visual Studio Code Extension
A feature called IntelliSense is useful. While you are coding in bicep, a pull-down pop up with options for the next candidate function, API version, etc. GitHub Copilot can also be used as an extension to make your work more efficient. (OpenAI Technology)
GitHub Account
Use it as a repository for bicep files.
- Tips
Install extensions from VS Code
-- Only GitHub Copilot is available for a fee.
Azure Resource manager Tools Extensions
Bicep Extensions
GitHub Copilot - Sample code and explanation
localtemplate/bicep/BICEP at master ยท akkoike/localtemplate (
- Application sequence mapping
Almost 30 USD / day
>> Next Chapter (Traps and Avoidance)
Updated May 12, 2023
Version 5.0akkoike
Joined September 06, 2018
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