Hi Brad, great series of articles. This is the most comprehensive tutorial that anyone can follow and works like charm. Now the part that I am struggling with the most which i didn't anticipate it was going to be was creating a synapse workspace with just built-in serverless pool using ARM template. I used the portal to generate the template and downloaded it and setup a Arm template deployment task in release pipeline in devop. It's creating the synapse space and storage and all, but i am getting an error.
'Authorization failed for template resource 'datalakegen2synapseacct/Microsoft.Authorization/5dc0d056-0e65-53d3-89fc-6e17ac29d7e7' of type 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/providers/roleAssignments'. The client '4656517f-f949-417d-a1f8-3271ccbcc404' with object id '4656517f-f949-417d-a1f8-3271ccbcc404' does not have permission to perform action '...
I would think this has something to do with the Service principal not having sufficient privilege or something.. but I can not resolve it. I would think this should just work with out of box with imported templates.