Hi Kellyn
Thank you for sharing so much valuable information related to Oracle DB on Azure.
While designing a Disaster Recovery solution for an Oracle VM on Azure, it seems we have two proposals from Azure:
1/ One solution based upon "Azure Backup" snapshots in combination with archivelogs files hosted/pushed to a remote storage (Azure File Share, Blob Storage, etc...). Disk snapshot has daily or hourly frequency (each 1-hour, each 2-hours, etc...).
2/ Azure Site Recovery for replicating an Oracle VM on Azure as a whole entity (all disks belonging to the VM). Replication frequency is 5 minutes not changeable.
In my case I have an Oracle VM under Windows Server 2019, and Oracle DB is of Standard Edition. All the disks are managed disks.
Is this understanding correct ?
Can you, please, point me toward pre-script & post-script for Windows, to quiesce and unquiesce the database in 1st solution ? In 2nd solution, do I also need to push archivelogs files to a remote storage (Azure File, Blob, etc...) ?
Best regards,