While these are great "perfect world" profiles, do you have any that represent the real world may be highlighting the pain points and potential resolutions for development?
"John is a Product Manager, He gets to work at 8 am, and everyone is still using paper to walk approvals around the business. While he talks about the benefits of 365 and its possibilities, no one is interested in doing any work to improve the processes. After firefighting critical business issues for 4 hours in the morning, he sits down at 1:30 pm to create a form, automation and list to document distributor communications based on a sales director's request, replicating the current excel data collection form and excel list of preferences stored on a random network location that isn't accessible to 90% of the business. John completes and tests this workflow at 3:30 pm. He creates a stream to show the directors how this flow works and asks what the next steps are; the director test's the flow, then never touches it again.
The flow is never used again as the director has muscle memory for emailing out the excel sheet and the team's communications have muscle memory for finding the hidden location of the master spreadsheet. John just wasted an afternoon and decides to go home and play Battlefield/go boxing to relieve the frustration of going through this every day."
John must migrate all previous data to the new list and archive the old one so employees can't find it using muscle memory. The template excel form also needs to be archived. John should run a training session showing the Sales team how to use the new workflow using the company's change management system, which is paper-based and has no workflows or automation. Maybe he's just highlighted the next program of adoption work?
Something that can be used is a real company to progress adoption rather than these pink and fluffy perfect world examples of everything already being done and slick. Do we have a starter pack for how to get this moving in a traditional business?