Hello Champion Community!
I hope that all of you are prioritizing your health and safety during this unprecedented time. Microsoft is here to support you as many of you are transitioning to working exclusively from home. This community is focused on support the Champions and Adoption Specialists who are in turn supporting those new remote workers. You are not alone in this situation! We are in this together.
Next week on March 25th we'll have our monthly community call. We will move our regularly scheduled topic and discuss instead remote work scenarios and guidelines for hosting virtual events which I think is timely. Please share information about this call broadly so we can support as many people as possible. In advance of that I have two new videos for you and other assets:
1. We've launched the new Teams Quick Start playlist on my channel. It includes two new videos specifically for this audience:
The Champions' Guide to Supporting Remote Workers specifically for this community and
Nydia Cavazos and the Mechanics team have turned our guidance into a fantastic overview of the adoption process that many of you have been studying for some time.
If you are new to driving adoption and being a champion this is a great place to start. Then, bring your questions back to this forum.
2. We have updated our Teams Toolkit flipbook with 2 new pages on remote work with guidance that include other notes on OneDrive, Yammer and Stream. Please note that you should only bookmark https://aka.ms/TeamsToolkit as the URL for this asset as we do update its location as we continue developing the experience.
3. We have updated our downloadable Customer Success Kit with new assets to support your roll out including new Day in the life card for Remote Work and a wonderful guide to ensure we don't forget best practices for the human side of working from home
It is my sincere hope this assets will support you and your employees while you are working remotely. Please review these assets and give me your feedback here. Then, join our call on March 25th, bring your questions and we will ensure to reserve ample time for Q&A about this and hosting virtual events.
Remember: As a champion you must put your own health and well being first so that you can help others!
Updated Mar 18, 2020
Version 1.0Karuana_Gatimu_MSFT
Community Manager
Joined November 02, 2016
Driving Adoption Blog
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