We are excited to announce more Immersive Reader read aloud languages and picture dictionary images that have rolled out globally. These updates apply to our M365 apps as well as all of our Immersive Reader partners.
Read Aloud
The Immersive Reader allows read aloud with word and line highlighting, and we’ve just added 9 new languages and locales to bring our total to over 60 languages available. The new updates include: Arabic (Lebanon), Arabic (Oman), Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan), Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Georgian (Georgia), Mongolian (Mongolia), Nepali (Nepal), Albanian (Albania), Tamil (Malaysia)
Additional Picture Dictionary images across 9 languages and 14 locales
Picture Dictionary has been a key part of the Immersive Reader for years, helping learners expand their vocabulary and navigate challenging texts with more independence. We are now doubling the number of pictures available across a wide variety of languages, adding about 6000 images for English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch, Portuguese and Swedish-speaking users. An example of a new verb “singing” is below.
These updates are available to try out today!
Mike Tholfsen
Group Product Manager
Microsoft Education
Updated Jul 19, 2022
Version 1.0MikeTholfsen
Joined July 27, 2016
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