To set up Copilot as an authenticated Github Student Developer, you need to follow these steps: GitHub Copilot - Visual Studio Marketplace - GitHub Copilot provides autocomplete-style suggestions fr...
I can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. I've had a github account for a while and even tested copilot about a year or so ago but didn't do much with it. I then returned to school and am now in a programming class, so I thought I would try out the student program and actually try to use github copilot, however it doesn't seem to work. I applied and from what I understand I completed the signup process (see the two pics below from the school signup page), however I see no reference to the school beyond the email addresses that I added for both colleges, and whenever I open VSCode, I get the error below. Any attempt to add copilot to my account on the website sends me to a payment screen. Is there something else that I need to do to accept the student account or to apply it to my github account?
I've rebooted, waited a couple days, uninstalled/reinstalled, nothing other than the student signup page seems to indicate that I have anything to do with the school.
Note: I had to go through it twice because the first time I didn't have my school ID handy, and even though it says I can use a screenshot, all it would offer was the ability to use my webcam. However, it is impossible to point the webcam back at my own screen (or simply upload a file attachment) to demonstrate my schedule (or any of the other things in the list). I eventually waited till I could get my school ID to submit it and then it showed the below "accepted" messages. That's the last thing that happened, then like I said, nothing in my github profile (other than the school email addresses) seems to indicate I am a member of a school organization or have any student package. I then waited a couple days, however it's been two days and github copilot still will not work.