Upskill on Web Dev, IoT, ML or Data science with these free curricula from Microsoft
Did you know that Azure Cloud Advocates and their friends across Microsoft banded together to write in-depth, semester-long, carefully designed and lovingly curated curricula? In this session, come celebrate our two millionth view on GitHub for our 4 flagship curricula:
Web Dev for Beginners
ML for Beginners
IoT for Beginners
Data Science for Beginners
Learn the story of their creation, how the project evolved, things we are planning to do with them, and what's coming next to help you upskill or switch careers.
Get a sneak peek of our upcoming curricula: AI for Beginners and XR (Extended Reality) for Beginners.
Dmitry Soshnikov, Senior Cloud Advocate, Microsoft
Gustavo Cordido, Software Engineer, Microsoft
Jasmine Greenaway, Senior Cloud Advocate, Microsoft
Jen Looper, Principal Cloud Advocate, Microsoft
Jim Bennett, Senior Regional Cloud Advocate, Microsoft
Watch On Demand
Updated Apr 01, 2022
Version 4.0Lee_Stott
Joined September 25, 2018
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