I guess maintainability will always be an issue for a programming style that completely ignores the conventional norms of spreadsheet authoring. At the extremes, one client relies entirely upon me for updating the workbook before sending the new version out to 600 or so businesses that use the it for bookkeeping. The other is a company that lists me as a member of their team but, in reality, develops their own workbooks from the templates I originally provided, with little or no input from me (a little too successful for my own good).
The first workbook does use relative referencing because it is Table-based but the second is 100% named array-formulas (originally CSE). Maintaining it and applying it to new situations falls well outside the end-user computing paradigm. That spreadsheet is deployed to end users with the calculation sheets very hidden and the sheets, workbook structure and VBA project are all protected as far as Excel will allow.
All in all, very little in the way of normal spreadsheet practice.