Blog Post

  • oghing's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hello! Need the community of experts to help me on this. I have a tabulations of three digit cell content from 0 to 9 in any order. Cell datus content on 31 rows up to columns ff, a lot to look up. Help me on this. Need to color cells which satisfy command criteria...Example..need to look up cells containing 059 in any order. Note cell may contain same digit or double digits




  • Justin Rister's avatar
    Justin Rister
    Copper Contributor

    The Geographical data type is very cool. What about a data type similar but with user defined metadata for x and y coordinates over a jpeg? Maybe a map of a building if the user wanted to highlight specific areas applicable to their desired needs.

  • Jose Patricio's avatar
    Jose Patricio
    Copper Contributor

    Why I can not use the 3 letter word  TEN,SEN,VEN,BEN in a cell by it self, also in (),{},"",[],etc..., EXCEL changes it to TEM,SEM,VEM,BEM. Thank you.

  • Peter Lye's avatar
    Peter Lye
    Copper Contributor

    The Stock Data type is great and have been using it extensively over a few hundred stocks.


    However, it stopped updating new data since yesterday. Could assist.


    Many thanks.


    Cheers,,, Pete