I alteady read the docs several times but to me it isn‘t still not clear if I could block native iOS and Android Clients in this scenario:
- I still have alot of onpremise Mailboxes
- HMA is enabled
- no Exchange connector
On this page https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/Exchange/clients/outlook-for-ios-and-android/use-hybrid-modern-auth?view=exchserver-2019#create-a-conditional-access-policy I can find the information:
„When an organization decides to standardize how users access Exchange data, using Outlook for iOS and Android as the only email app for end users, they can configure a conditional access policy that blocks other mobile access methods“
Ok, sounds good but when I read on a little bit further I can read
„In order to block other mobile device clients (such as the native mail client included in the mobile operating system) from connecting to your on-premises environment (which authenticate via basic authentication against on-premises Active Directory), you have two options: 1. Exchange mobile device access rules or 2. Install the Exchange Connector.
So can I block native mail apps only with HMA including the correct access policies (but without the Ex Connector)?
Thank you in advance,
best regards!