Thanks for the quick reply!!
1. Here is the output:
PS C:\windows\system32> Get-OrganizationRelationship "O365 to on-premises*" |FL Identity, DomainNames, Enabled, Free*, Target*
Identity : O365 to On-premises - c12856e0-d236-4e7b-8ba7-a9dac319c92c
DomainNames : {contosomail.com, contosoorg.org} ( I removed, but one is our email , the other is our domain)
Enabled : True
FreeBusyAccessEnabled : True
FreeBusyAccessLevel : LimitedDetails
FreeBusyAccessScope :
TargetApplicationUri : outlook.com
TargetSharingEpr : https://72c9440f-e756-42f7-b48a-80325101d9ac.resource.mailboxmigration.his.msappproxy.net/EWS/E
TargetOwaURL : https://mail.contoso.com/owa ( I removed our server )
TargetAutodiscoverEpr : https://autodiscover-s.outlook.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc/WSSecurity
2. I believe this is correct, this is pointed to our organizations email and domain.
3. Our onprem autodiscover.contoso.com points to our public ip for owa
4. Thanks for the commands, would I also need to to change the targetautodiscover record? This appears that it should be pointing to our on-prem autodiscover
6. We just made the move to Hybrid 2 weeks ago and have successfully moved 3 mailbox's (2 test accounts and mine) to the Exch online. All of our email addresses are the same as far as @contoso.com