Ron Ron If I'm right, they're showing the Name (LDAP 'cn' (common name)) property, which I do agree stinks, for many reasons. For one - seeing as we don't use ADUC in the cloud, I just don't see why we would ever need to see the Name/cn. There are many other just-as-or-more-unique properties that could be used.
The constant usage of the Name property is becoming a small disaster in Exchange Online. "Becoming" and "small" both relative terms. The issue has been around a while and continues to get worse or at least not improving. There are many times we can't do permission/delegation related changes in the graphical UI because we have to instead go to PowerShell and manually target everything by something more reliable such as a Guid-based property, or DistinguishedName.
DistinguishedName raises a good point - Name/cn should theoretically be just as good as DistinguishedName, since we always know the OU path in EXO. But, still no good because the Name property is out of our control, riddled with system-generated suffixes, or totally replaced by ExternalDirectoryObjectId, so no good for a visual reference to human eyes.
EXO's "User" and "Trustee" properties returned from Get-Mailbox/RecipientPermission - Microsoft Community Hub - there's one I've raised in an entirely different context, but is the exact same issue. The main issue here is that there is a moving trend in the product which is - what "ID"-like property will they use for what/where/when? For some reason, the choice is often the crappy-seeming one - "Name"/cn, where it constantly wreaks havoc, while in my head it seems like we should be shown DisplayName, Primary Smtp and/or UPN, <one-of-the-UNIQUE-Guid-properties>, and if we're clicking buttons in the GUI, it should NEVER be UNCLEAR to the product, which object's we're aiming at. This last point is where it really is the disaster. Good thing stuff just fails and we have to go to PowerShell. Who knows though if/when behind the scenes changes are committing to the wrong objects. There's an interesting Send-As permissions doubling-up issue I'm watching now, seems potentially-related to EXO's SidHistory. Not sure, but that one feels like it lives in this area too (the unique ID property debacle of Exchange).
All that said, not looking to board the hate train, rather taking advantage of this opportunity to get my own selfish perspective in, in case it can help future updates.