Dear Exchange Team. I have a request. : Please include 2 domain lists where admins can add email Domains into. In List 1. all critical business domains will be entered and in List 2 all non-business domains like Gmail, Yahoo, companyX, CompanyZ etc. When we hit the 80% mark of TERRL, then only List 1 domains are delivered and not list 2. List 2 gets delayed until TERRL has enough space in future, delaying the emails obviously. This will allow business critical emails not be impacted. Otherwise, what do I as admin tell my CEO if he cannot send a time sensitive email to a company in Europe 11h55PM because the TERRL limit is 100%. Many emails are time sensitive. In my opinion for the amount of money we are spending on E5 licenses, these TERRL limits are too low. Otherwise, give admins 5 extra slots on TERRL, so in case a mission critical email has to be sent, the admin can assign these 5 in emergency times and let the email then deliver. Lastly - Emails failing with NDR 550 5.7.233 due to TERRL limit reached should rather be queued and not be an NDR.