Dennis-boels , AFAIK, there is no way to disable DCS.
However, in theory, a couple of things might work here:
1) Setting a very high number of BadItemLimit (BIL) when we create the migration batch (as long as the service still allows it, BIL is the old model and being deprecated, and at least in the beginning when DCS feature was released, if you would create the migration with the old model BIL, this would not use DCS). But now, BIL might be ignored due to DCS. Needs testing.
2) Setting a SkippedItemApprovalTime very far in the future. When determining whether or not to allow the batch to complete it compares the approval time to the last time it found a bad/missing item. If the approval time is far in the future, when DCS compares the timestamp, it sees that it is later than the last bad/missing item time, so the request completes. Needs testing to see if we are allowed to do this (set the time in the future).
But I guess not, because that's exactly why DCS was designed for, and it would defeat the purpose. We don't want to have empty mailboxes after migration....