Blog Post

Exchange Team Blog

Review an upcoming authentication change for Outlook add-ins

The_Exchange_Team's avatar
Apr 09, 2024

We wanted to make everyone aware of the blog post that went live on the Microsoft Dev blog, talking about new Nested App Authentication for Office Add-ins requirement that is going to be mandatory for Outlook add-ins by October 2024.
While this post is quite dev-focused, we wanted to make sure people in the Outlook community working or creating Outlook add-ins see it.
Please go here to read more: New Nested App Authentication for Office Add-ins: Legacy Exchange tokens off by default in October 2024.
The Exchange Team

Published Apr 09, 2024
Version 1.0
  • mri503's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Is there any way for Admins of O365 tenants to detect which add ins in our tenant will be affected?

  • MarkusB68's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    @Mohamedkaaf: I wholeheartedly agree, we urgently need a fix for the March Exchange Patch, and we need it ASAP (i.e. now). 


    Though this is the wrong blog post for this kind of comment, there is a good workaround: Just use the "Light-Version" of OWA, with which you can download attachments and see inline-images. The Light-Version does not seem to use download domains at all. (Which might indicate another security problem and/or that the "modern" version is just not very secure in general.)


    Deleted: Please mention this workaround for the OWA DL domain problem in the relevant articles, it will help a lot of your users.

  • Mohamedkaafar's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    When are you going to drop the fix for the ability to download attachments via OWA with the Microsoft-recommended DL domains? we've been waiting for a month now! You promised to fix this, are we going to see any fix soon?

  • __trj's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Can you pass along to the author of the devblog post that the link to "legacy Exchange user identity tokens" is broken in the second paragraph, please? I don't see a way to comment on the blog over there.