Hello All
A question regarding the statement "If you have two or more accepted domains for any particular online tenant you must choose the domain that you want to be configured for Autodiscover." under "Running the wizard".
Lets assume we have an Exchange on-prem published as webmail.contoso.com with a wildcard certificate for *.consoso.com.
Let's further assume we have three companies in that Exchange org / AD forest: contoso(.com), northwindtraders(.com) and tailspintoys(.com). And every company in that forest wants to sync to it's own tenant.
It's straightforward to enable Autodiscover for contoso.com for the first HCW run.
But what to do for the second and third run? I don't think it's possible to add contoso.com to all three separate HCW runs / Hybrid config wizards to different tenants to configure Autodiscover so that the implemeted certificate *.consoso.com for the on-prem EWS service matches?
The only solution I come upon is to replace the wildcard certificate with a SAN certificate that contains webmail.contoso.com, autodiscover.contoso.com, autodiscover.northwindtraders.com and autodiscover.tailspintoys.com. And create DNS A-Records for all four names to point to the same Public IP where the Exchange is published.
If that is correct, that might be a reason why too many simultaneous hybrid deployments might be a complicated thing anyway. Besides that we need to buy simple certificates for each company for the send connectors additionally, that's 3 new certificates just for this example (the SAN could be used for contoso send connector, northwindtraders.com/tailspintoys.com need their own for their send connector).
Am I thinking in the right direction, or am I missing something?