In Part 1 of this series, we talked about cross-tenant (sometimes referred to tenant to tenant or T2T) mailbox migrations. In Part 2, we’ll cover how to troubleshoot issues you may encounter during c...
Hello Mirela_Buru hope all is well. Working on a T2T scenario where the secret expired in the target tenant. Haven't found much documentation on how to fix this issue. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. -Lou Mandich
Hi Lou, nice to hear from you! I am good, hope you are doing well also. You can generate new client secret and update the migration endpoint with the new credentials.
Store the value of client secret somewhere safe. $AppId = "[Guid copied from the migrations app]" $NewSecret = "your NEW password for the app" # You can aslo get it from a file where you stored it # $NewSecret = Get-Content "<path to file with the secret's value" -Raw $Credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $AppId, (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $NewSecret -AsPlainText -Force) Then Set-MigrationEndpoint <name> -Credentials $Credential