We found with our Windows 10 non-persistent VDI's, that if we installed New Teams using teamsbootstrapper.exe -p then sysprep using "Sysprep /generalize /oobe /mode:vm" users couldn't launch New Teams after the image was deployed.
If we did the same New Teams install, but then system using "Sysprep /generalize /oobe" users could open Teams and it works, it was something in that /mode:vm switch that broke the new AppX package for us.
The biggest problem we currently have is that if a user just disconnects at the end of the day, the system terminates those sessions overnight and the Teams data doesn't get written to the FS Logix profile then Teams doesn't work the next day. If the users sign out of their session at the end of the day, Teams still works for them the next morning.
It would be nice if disconnecting the session didn't break New Teams, but right not its easier to fix the staff than it is to fix New Teams/FS Logix so that's what we're working on.
Hope that helps someone else, or maybe someone knows a fix for the saving Teams data to the profile after a disconnect? It doesn't matter if the user has correctly logged off ten days in a row, the first time they forget it just stops working.