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FSLogix v3 Release 25.02 is now generally available!

Jason_Parker's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 12, 2025

Another long journey getting version 3 out to the public. We've been testing this version in our Early Access program since November 2024. Huge thank you to all the contributors for their feedback and validation.

FSLogix Release Notes - FSLogix | Microsoft Learn

What's new

  • Major version change (2 → 3) and updated how FSLogix release names and build versions are defined. In future releases, major releases will increment the major version from 3 to 4 to 5, etc.
    • Example:
      • Release name: 25.02
      • Build version: (3.YY.MMDD.HHMMS, Single digit months will not have a leading 0)
  • Cloud Cache no longer assumes some failure states are a bad configuration and will now allow customers to test and validate their configurations for redundancy through any method they choose.
  • Microsoft.FSLogix PowerShell module used for Cloud Cache investigation and troubleshooting.
  • When RedirXMLSourceFolder is removed or 'not configured' in Group Policy, the redirections.xml file is now removed from within the user's profile container at the next sign-in.

Fixed issues

  • LocalCache and TempState folders for MSIX packages are now properly cleaned up during sign-out.
  • Fixed an issue related to symlink reparse points affecting App-V and other components that have similar calls.
  • VHD disk compaction for differencing disks now works the same as disks without a differencing disk.
    • Note: Compaction results will still be based on each disk and what space is able to be reclaimed during the optimization.
  • ADMX templates have been updated to allow settings that are enabled by default to be disabled.
  • Sign-in and sign-out optimizations to ensure MSIX settings are properly handled before and after the Windows shell events.

Feature retirement

Updated Feb 12, 2025
Version 2.0
  • Prathapkrishna's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    We are experiencing significant issues after updating to 25.02 on Windows Server 2022 . Users are encountering a black screen and an error message stating:

    "Your remote desktop services session has ended. The administrator has ended the session."

    However, we did not terminate these sessions, and even new session logins resulted in the same issue.

    Microsoft identified FSLogix pending reboot as the cause and recommended a reboot. Despite rebooting all session hosts, users continued to experience the problem, forcing us to roll back the update.

    Has anyone else encountered this issue? I'm unsure if the FSLogix GPO needs to be updated with new templates or if any configuration changes are required, but I haven't seen any Microsoft documentation mentioning this.

  • Mohrpheus78's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    We also have huge issues after updating to 25.02. on Windows Server 2019/2022 RDS. Corrupted profile disks and also user settings that didn't apply anymore, we think it's related to group policy settings, not the one from FSL but the normal user settings. Users got the wrong system language or registry entries where missing. We also had this event id 26. 
    One thing, that can get really bad is, that some of the FSL group policy settings are no enabled by default if you haven't configured the settings before.  Not configured means ENABLED in some cases! Check the release notes! One example is the compact VHD feature. If the profile disks haven’t been compacted for a long time, this process will start and can take a long time to finish. It depends on your users how they react to this. Some users are not that patient, so they try to logon again after logout and the profile might be in access for shrinking. 

    • Prathapkrishna's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      We encountered a black screen issue for Windows Server 2022 users. Even after removing all user profiles, the problem persisted.

      I don’t believe the Compact VHD feature is the root cause. Microsoft needs to investigate further to identify the bug in the latest FSLogix version.

  • skylerkincaid's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    We are also experiencing issues with random profiles not unmounting fully at sign-out. Windows 11 Multi-User AVD with profile share on Azure Files via an SMB share. It was sometimes happening before the update and we were hoping this update would fix it but it made it worse.

  • VDIGuy99's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Same problems here, after installaling 25.02. on Server 2019 The RW-Disk is not merged and unmounted at logoff. Also we experianced strange issues with MS Teams like high CPU-Usage, very slow responding and so on.

    After Rollback to 2210 HF 4 all problems are gone.

  • DaveTheG's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    With the v3 the app masking rules for redirection + object copy no longer work for us. Have these not been discontinued or is there a known bug?

    • Jason_Parker's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Can you be more specific? The only component of Application Rule Sets that was retired was the VHD App Container rule.

      • DaveTheG's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        We have created a MS ticket 2502210050002559. There you can see all information.
        All app masking redirect rules are compiled BUT not applied. All files in the target directory that should have been redirected to the user profile are not working.

        We switched back to the old FSLogix version 2.9.8884.27471 and app masking redirection worked again

  • rstuart68's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    We are seeing an issue with this version.  Users are getting a pop-up message that says "The Recycle Bin on C:\ is corrupted".  Deleting their profile did not resolve the problem.  Rolling back to version (2.9.8884.27471) does fix the problem.  Has anyone else experienced this issue? 

    • Prathapkrishna's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      No we did not see this issue. Is that happening for all users. What is the OS of the AVD? 

      • rstuart68's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        OS win11 23h2 build 22631.4890.  We have a case open with Microsoft but in the interim we've rolled back to (2.9.8884.27471).  

  • TreyContello's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I installed this version hoping it would solve some of the APPX issues we are having.  It became immediately apparent that logoff's are no longer 100% successful.  We have only about 5 users on our test server, and 3 of them experienced a logoff issue.  The log shows the following sequence of events (which don't give us a lot of info to go on):

    [11:22:44.584][tid:00001120.00003d50][INFO]             Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\ControlTileService.  Using default: 0
    [11:22:44.611][tid:00001120.00003d50][INFO]             Status set to 1: Cannot load user's profile
    [11:22:44.611][tid:00001120.00003d50][INFO]             ErrorCode set to 1064 - Message: An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request.
    [11:22:44.611][tid:00001120.00003d50][ERROR:00000428]   invalid map<K, T> key (An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request.)
    [11:22:44.613][tid:00001120.00003d50][INFO]             Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\ShutdownOnUserLogoff.  Using default: 0
    [11:22:44.613][tid:00001120.00003d50][INFO]             Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\RebootOnUserLogoff.  Using default: 0
    [11:22:44.613][tid:00001120.00003d50][INFO]             Configuration Read (DWORD): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\ProfileType.  Data: 0
    [11:22:44.613][tid:00001120.00003d50][ERROR:00000428]   UnloadProfile failed. Version: User: XXXXXXXX. SID: S-1-5-21-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXX-XXXX. SessionId: 20. FrxStatus: 1064 (An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request.)
    [11:22:44.613][tid:00001120.00003d50][INFO]             unloadProfile time: 367 milliseconds

    The profile disk is left connected, and the user is unable to access the profile disk on subsequent logins because it is "in use".  The situation requires and administrator to dismount the disk, which allows it to be used on the next login.

    Noting that this did not happen to every test user, but it did happen to 60% of our test users.

    Reverting to 2.9.8884.27471 resolved the issue for us.

    • Jason_Parker's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      Thank you TreyContello  for reporting this.  Can you please provide as much detail as possible about your VDI environment, Windows OS (build), and FSLogix configuration? If you have details that you don't want publicized, please send me a DM and include your case number if you have one.

      cc: Soulwaxer , NickK-Bict 

      FYI - Support for FSLogix does not mean direct access to the Product Team. I do respond and follow these comments, especially when tagged.

      • TreyContello's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Windows Server 2019 as RDSH.  FSLogix configuration:
        CleanupInvalidSessions - Recently enabled due to this problem

        VHDCompactDisk - Disabled


        AccessNetworkAsComputerObject - Disabled

        ConcurrentUserSessions - Disabled

        DeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply - Enabled

        Enabled - Enabled

        GroupPolicyState - Enabled

        InstallAppxPackages - Enabled

        IsDynamic - Enabled

        KeepLocalDir - Disabled

        OutlookCachedMode - Disabled

        RoamIdentity - Disabled

        RoamSearch - Disabled

        SizeInMBs - 0x00007530 (30000)

        VHDLocations - \\domain\dfs\profiles

        VolumeType - VHDX

        VolumeWaitTimeMS - 0x00004e20 (20000)

        This is clearly not an environment or configuration problem, there have never been any major issues with FSLogix in our environment.  Reverting to the previous version immediately solves the problem.  This is a bug or problem with this version.  I can easily reproduce by rebuilding the server on the old FSLogix version and there are 0 issues.  However, if I rebuild the server and install this new version the problem is immediate. 

        Support really only has the ability to review settings and ensure we are doing everything properly (verify and confirm).  Since I already know we are doing everything properly, support in this case can't really help -- only the product team can solve the problem by issuing a hotfix.  I understand the requirement to work  through support to gather info, but once it is confirmed that the software version is the problem support can't do anything--only the product team can.  

        I'm glad to have an acknowledgement of the issue and grateful for any assistance.  Note that several other folks have indicated the same trouble here, so it's not just me...

    • Soulwaxer's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      I have the same problem. The localprofile is not unlaoded and the error is invalid map<K, T> key (An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request.) in the Fslogix logs. I also receive  the following messages in the event viewer.

      OneDrive teardown error (The specified procedure could not be found.)

      Failed to enumerate Skype4B credentials (The specified procedure could not be found.)

      Failed attempted detach from Skype4B, the application may not work correctly (The specified procedure could not be found.)

      Failed to enumerate credentials (The specified procedure could not be found.)

      Office Activation teardown error (The specified procedure could not be found.)

      invalid map<K, T> key (An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request.)


      Has anyone else had the issue ?

      • TreyContello's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        I opened a ticket hoping to get it to the attention of the FSLogix product team.  The guy I spoke to was able to spell FSLogix which is a good sign, but support can't really do much other than gather info for the product team.  I told him I wanted to get their attention so we will see if they acknowledge and take ownership or just continue to hide.

        It's very disappointing when you can't get the help you need from Product Teams despite paying for it and being entitled to it.


    • NickK-Bict's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      We are also having this issue after updating to this version.

      Along with the Invalid map(K, T) error in the logfile we are also seeing error "Get token groups (Er is geprobeerd te verwijzen naar een token dat niet bestaat.)" with Event ID 26 in the event log. 

      When testing i noticed that when i made a new profile disk for a user with the issue the problem didnt happen for that user anymore.

      I found a workaround by enabling cleanup invalid sessions, which doesnt fix the issue but a few seconds after the logoff it dismounts the disk anyways.

      • OnzenHans's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        We have also seen this EventID 26. It seems to happen when a disconnected user is being forced logged out, or when the time setting expires and the user is bening logged out by the system. It reports "Disk was compacted : false

        Until now we have not received any issues reported by users.

  • JinLai_Huang233's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hello, why does the current new version not support Windows 7? Can you help provide me with the release version 1907? I understand that this version supports Windows 7. I will be very grateful.

    • Prathapkrishna's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      I believe support for Windows 7 is ended several years ago. 

  • Prathapkrishna's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Has anyone tested it yet? Were any issues identified? How does it work with onedrive and Netapp storage? If there is some test cases let us know.

  • The removal of the FRXTray tool seems counterintuitive — that tool was extremely helpful at times troubleshooting profile issues.  What’s the replacement for it?

    • Jason_Parker's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

      The FRXTray tool had a number of issues (accessibility, inaccurate disk space reporting, resource utilization, etc). We chose to remove this tool as there are a number of other ways to get the same information. For example:

      • frx.exe list-redirects
        • This will show any active redirects and validate the users VHD is connected and redirected via FSLogix.
      • Event Viewer
        • Event ID 25 (Profile load: Status: 100  Reason: 0  Error: 0  Username: %username%  SID: S-1-5-21-0000000000-0000000000-0000000000-1110
      • Profile logs (%ProgramData%\FSLogix\Logs\Profile)
        • [15:14:14.517][tid:00000238.00001598][INFO]             LoadProfile successful. Version: User: %username%. SID: S-1-5-21-0000000000-0000000000-0000000000-1110. SessionId: 3
      • Powershell
        • Get-Disk | Where-Object {$_.Location -match '<file-server-name>'} | Select-Object Number,HealthStatus, Location
        • Get-Volume -FriendlyName Profile*


      All of these methods do not require administrator rights. We had hoped to integrate an alternative, but it didn't make the prioritization though we may consider it in the future.  Customer feedback is always the best indicator of what should be prioritized in the future.

      • iclay7's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        I would agree with Quentin. Having to look in multiple places instead of the centralized tool is very counter-intuitive. We had a major issue when rolling out the new version recently via Intune. It took me forever to find the information about why user profiles were not being loaded, whereas with frxtray, I could've had those answers in just a few minutes. In the end, we had to manually uninstall and reinstall the new version to get it working.