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Join us for the Climate Hackathon!

Sherrylist's avatar
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Mar 15, 2021

The goal of the Hack the Climate Hackathon is to help non-governmental and non-profit organizations to solve some of their challenges with the use of technology. People of all skill levels are welcome to join – with the reservation that every team must have a minimum of one developer.

If you want to help save the climate using your technical skills, register at 


You can put together your dream team by inviting your hackathon friends. At the beginning of the hackathon, we will have a match-making session. You can start looking for participants to collaborate with via a Discord channel.


The hackathon takes place online between March 22-26. But that does not mean you have to work all those days. Each team sets up a schedule that suits them. We recommend that you take part in our daily live sessions.


All challenges are presented on the Devpost page. More challenges may come in at the last minute. Stay tuned.


The purpose of a hackathon is to learn things and to have fun. It’s a great opportunity to meet other members of the community, brainstorm ideas, develop something for a greater cause, and help with the most important challenge we are facing as humans: climate change.

More information about the Hackathon

Q: What is the goal of this hackathon?

A: Challenges for the Climate hackathon are provided by different non-governmental and non-profit organizations. The goal of the hackathon is to help these organizations in solving the challenges with the use of technology. We expect solutions to be submitted as open-source, so they can help tackle the challenges other organizations have.


Q: What skills do I need to join this hackathon?

A: All skills are welcome, but please note you do need to have a developer in the team. Diversity of skills is always a good prerequisite to win any hackathon, someone will prepare the presentation, other team members will record a 3-minute video to explain the solution, and developers will give their best to create a solution or proof of concept during the hackathon.


Q: Should I already have a team to join this hackathon? How can I form a team?

A: You can always invite your friends and join as a team, but we will have a team matching session at the beginning of the hackathon where you will be able to approach other teams or you can start forming your own team, so do not hesitate to join. We have a Discord channel that you can join now as you start looking for teams or team members.


Q: Do I need to block 5 days in my calendar for this hackathon?

A: No. The hackathon takes places online between 22nd and 26th of March. We know that many people have full time jobs and can’t work on projects during the work hours. You can organize your time as you like with your team, and you can join in the evenings or contribute a few hours through the week. Your team members will do the same and we are sure you will be able to showcase your solution by end of the week.


Q: How can I get more information about each challenge?

A: All challenges are listed on the hackathon website. We are adding a few more just before the hackathon. There are many interesting organizations joining. Please feel free to check them out.


Q: Do you have any advice for people who have never been to a hackathon?

A: Yes, have fun! This is a great opportunity to meet/connect with other people, brainstorm ideas, develop something for a greater cause, and help with the most important challenge we are facing as humans: climate change. 



Updated Mar 15, 2021
Version 1.0
  • Witam serdecznie

    Add. Translator


    It is a very good initiative with a global reach, and remote access to the common access to the good of the Green Planet already need to try to make a lot of people's lives

    help - is to the noble cell, I support!

    Do I think there is a need for a big promotion in this regard!

    Thank you very much, I wish you many successes!

  • Witam serdecznie !

    Jest to bardzo dobra 👍 inicjatywa o zasięgu globalnym , a zdalny dostęp umożliwia wspólne działanie dla dobra Zielonej Planety  której już trzeba wysiłkiem wielu ludzi 

     pomagać  - jest to szczytny cel , który popieram !

    Jednak myślę że jest potrzeba dużej promocji w tym zakresie !


         Bardzo Dziękuję , życzę wielu sukcesów !