Keeping up to date with information in areas of interest and professional necessity can be daunting. With so many avenues vying for our attention how can we easily consume the information pertinent to our job? Whether we are a physician, a pharmaceutical researcher, a member of the IT staff, or anyone in any role with a need to stay current in their professions area of expertise staying current can be difficult. Thankfully Microsoft Teams not only can help with the challenge but take it a step further by presenting you and your colleagues with the latest information while also facilitating conversations around the content presented. How does it do this? With the RSS connecter for Microsoft Teams.
In this Show Me How video I walk through the setup and configure the RSS connecter for Microsoft Teams in order to pull important information you and your team may deed to stay current. The example I use leverages the RSS feed from this blog but can be leveraged from many other sources. For your convenience I have listed some sources that may be of interest to you and your colleagues that you can implement in Team Channels of your own. (Simply right click on the link and select copy Hyperlink). This is by no means an exhaustive list.
- Microsoft RSS Resources:
- Healthcare and Life Science RSS Resources:
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Updated Jul 12, 2019
Version 4.0MichaelGannotti
Joined July 15, 2016
Healthcare and Life Sciences Blog
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