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Healthcare and Life Sciences Blog

HLS Show Me How Office 365 Slide Library

MichaelGannotti's avatar
Apr 08, 2019

Recently a colleague approached me about the best way to re-use slides across multiple Microsoft Teams. They had had a series of slide decks that was getting copied into multiple Teams and then when they updated their originals, they were struggling in how to get the updates pushed out. In addition to this colleague I had similar questions from attendees to last weeks Microsoft Teams Week.

In this Show Me How video I walk through how to set up a centralized Slide Library that could have approval/workflow and be accessed/integrated in to multiple Teams. By taking this approach There is a single authoritative source of truth around the slides with updates dynamically showing up across the many Microsoft Teams instances where it may be shared.

In this video I use the example of a Corp Communications slide library. The same applies though for centralized Project documentation or any other content that you want to re-use across many Teams.

Thanks for visiting – Michael Gannotti  Instagram | IGTV | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook  

Updated Jul 12, 2019
Version 2.0
  • Hi PaulieMG No you hit nail on the head. We had that functionality years ago but for reasons I am not privy to it was removed. I hear you on wanting that functionality. 

  • PaulieMG's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Thanks for this.  Not to be demeaning, but it seems that you just created a document library, as opposed to the original slide library function in sharepoint.  Is there a way to upload entire presentations, have the slides automatically broken out individually, and then be able to select the desired slides for a presentation, edit/update, select, and then export to create presentations (a la the original slide library)?  I know that Microsoft removed this function from Sharepoint Online.  Thanks.