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Modern Intranet: Emailing a News Digest

Tyler Durham's avatar
Tyler Durham
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 08, 2019

Note: I'm starting a new series of posts called "Modern Intranet" which will discuss topics around modern portal features available in SharePoint Online (SPO). These posts will come directly from my conversations with Healthcare customers that are in the process of moving their main intranet to SharePoint Online.


News Publishing & Syndication in SPO is a really great feature that was introduced last year (click here for a great infographic on using SharePoint News). One thing that was missing was the ability to gather up a collection of posts and quickly send via email. Sending a news digest via email was recently released, and this article walks through how to use this new feature.


Getting Started


Site News is a page in a SPO site that shows all news for the current site, as well as any news from associated hub sites.


The page for Site News is located at (in case you need the link for navigation menus, etc.), but you can easily access the page from the "See all" link on the Site News webpart.


Navigating to SharePoint News in your site.

The page for Site News looks like this:


The SharePoint News Page

Important: If you do not see the "Email a news digest" link, ensure that you have at least Contribute permissions in the current site. Anybody in your site can access the Site News page, but if you do not have permissions to create news, then you do not have permission to share a news digest :-(


Sending the Digest


Once you have confirmed you have Contribute permissions in the site, you are ready to select news posts and send them. Simply click the "Send an email digest" link, and select the news posts you wish to share.


Select the news posts you wish to share.

Note: At the time of this writing, I was able to send several news posts (around 20) at one time, so I am not aware of any limits to how many you can send. I'm sure there is a limit, but the practicality of hitting that limit is very low. Users need to select each news post they wish to share (there is not a "Select all" button), and recipients of the digest may not appreciate a long, scrolling, "spammy" email. Four to six posts per digest, per week is probably a good, safe number.


Once you have selected the desired news posts, click the "Next" button to specify a name for your digest, recipients, and an optional message. Recipients can be individual email addresses & distribution lists.


Specifying recipients and an (optional) message.Once you are ready, click the "Send news digest" button. Recipients will receive your curated news digest in their inbox. Notice that the sender is NOT a service account; it is you!


Recipients will receive your curated news digest in their inbox!

Final Thoughts


The ability to create and share email news digests is a new feature to the ever expanding components that make up a modern intranet. In future articles, I will highlight more modern intranet features.


Some additional tips, tricks, and FYIs:


  • Your organization may not allow you to send to certain large distribution lists. For example, at Microsoft, I am not allowed to send to "All Company" - for good reason (LOL)! That right is reserved for executives, corporate communications, etc.. Keep that in mind when sending your news digest.
  • When naming your news digest, the name will be used as the email subject... be consistent! Your audience may have inbox rules that trigger on the subject.
  • At the time of this writing, there is not a way to customize the appearance of the email. It's a new feature, and the road map is wide open. Make sure you direct feedback to the engineering teams via User Voice!
  • Easter Egg: after you send your digest, check your pages library - you will see a post containing your curated digest. This is a great way to create an archive of your digests. You can use metadata and highlighted content web part to surface your news digests. Tip: You can also use Flow to automate the posting of your news digest to other channels like Teams, Yammer, and other SharePoint sites.


Updated Jul 12, 2019
Version 3.0
  • Hey, elementlu! It appears to be working in my tenant... that is very odd... and, annoying! You might want to open a ticket with Support to check that out.

  • elementlu's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    We love the news digest format. I noticed when generating a news digest post, it creates a page under site pages. We would like to reuse that page and post it to our other communication systems. However, when the news digest page is opened in a web browser, all the links of the post do not work. It is very odd, because if we refresh the page, the page will work again. This error is reproducible.



  • Joe_Choi's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    HI Miss_Lissa_In_AZ ,


    I have that issue too, but you can solve this by entering a more than 4 news links, than you have the 'see all' button. When you click on this you will be navigated to a lay out page where you can see the email digest button. 



  • Hi I'd love to be able to email a news digest but I don't see the option (button). I have Sharepoint admin permissions and I'm a Global admin but I still don't see the button for the new digest creation. Any ideas?
  • Currently, when I go to the news page of my Hub site, I'm only seeing news posted directly on that site, not posts from any of the other sites connected to my Hub. Is there a way to show news from all sites connected to the Hub, so I can bring more content into my digest email?

  • Thanks for this post, Tyler, really useful.


    Ideas for improvement of the digest functionality:

    - make the message font black instead of grey

    - make the message left-aligned rather than centered

    - standardize the thumbnail image for all selected news stories in the digest

    - stack the image above the article in a single column

    - make the top-right corner SharePoint logo point to my tenancy rather than to the SharePoint promotional site

    - remove from the editing template the option to add a header at the top of the selected news items, as it is not produced in the received message, or arrange that this title actually appears in the received message.


    Note to self: will copy this to User Voice.