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Healthcare and Life Sciences Blog

Reuse a Planner Plan as a Template - HLS Show Me How

MichaelGannotti's avatar
Jan 24, 2020

Microsoft Planner provides an excellent way for teams to assign and monitor tasks as they engage in various projects. In order to maintain consistency of these “project plans” organizations often wish to templatize their use. Thankfully, Microsoft Planner makes the re-use of a baseline plan simple with its plan Copy feature.

In this HLS Show Me How I show how to take an existing plan for a project, as well as an Event Planning plan, and use them as templates to spawn new consistent plans.


Thanks for visiting – Michael Gannotti   LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram


Michael Gannotti

Published Jan 24, 2020
Version 1.0
  • This post is several years old and out of date. If you are looking for reusable assets and workflow you might want to ping one of the contributors here n the blog that is writing about Power Platform

  • DA123160's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    This does not really address the need for a reusable workflow/plan.  If you have an onboarding task list that you want to keep reusing for each new hire, you mean to tell me someone has to make a copy of the Plan each time?  Why can't it be a true reusable template?

  • Steve Da Re's avatar
    Steve Da Re
    Copper Contributor



    I noticed the copy creates a whole new Group

    Is it possible to duplicate a plan in antoher already existing group?

    Kind regards