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Healthcare and Life Sciences Blog

Setting Individual File Permissions for Documents Used in Microsoft Teams - HLS Show Me How

MichaelGannotti's avatar
Sep 06, 2019

    The other day I had a conversation with a Healthcare customer around their use of Microsoft Teams among nursing staff. There was concern around the use of documents, in this case Microsoft Excel docs, where they wanted members of a Microsoft Team to be able to view but not edit. The ability to edit they wanted to restrict to just a few members. While this is not the default behavior for collaboration around documents in Microsoft Teams it is easily accomplished using the underlying power of SharePoint Online.

In the HLS Show Me How video I show two separate methods of providing restricted access to documents within Microsoft Teams. In the first example (which is technically possible, but I do NOT recommend) I show how to break inheritance and apply custom permissions in place on documents within the default storage for a Channel’s documents. In the second example (which I DO recommend) I show setting up a distinct library instance and then either rendering a view to it within the default Channel Files view or as a new Tab.

After the video check out the resource links below to learn more about SharePoint Online permissions.


Thanks for visiting – Michael Gannotti   LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram 

Michael Gannotti

Updated Sep 09, 2019
Version 2.0
  • marrodgo's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Thank you for the info and the video. Just what I was looking for.

  • Short answer is yes. You can go "under the hood" in to the settings for the SharePoint Library where they reside and alter the permissions. You can also take additional actions like move copies of documents added to a secure library using PowerAutomate to set up a flow. 

  • Ralph710's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    I am using Teams to teach classes.  One of my students thinks s/he will not have to do the work if s/he deletes the files with the documents in the shared folders in the Channel.  Is there a way to prevent members from having the ability to delete files they did not post? 


    It seems like a really difficult question that no one can seem to answer with any kind of certainty. 



  • aycangurleyen  Yes they can download. If you want tighter control then you will need to synch with your Microsoft account team and they can synch you up with your Identity and Access technical resource around additional, more granular conditional access control including ability to block download

  • aycangurleyen's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi! Thanks for this useful video. I have a question. Can the people whom we have read only in the permissions section download the documents?  We don't want them to actually download it, visitors really should only read it. Is this possible as you show in the video?


    Thank you!