Our company has installed and configured Azure DevOps server 2022 on Prem which is accessible with http://xxx/xxx and not https. While following the above steps for configuring agent pool and self hosted windows agent, after running config.cmd and entering the server url, enter authentication type is coming as (press enter for Integrated), it's not giving the PAT option.
Went through this article
and pressed enter after which the register agent steps came by and I filled in all the information except that for
Run agent as a service (Y/N) - pressed enter for No
Enter enable SERVICE_SID_TYPE_UNRESTRICTED for agent service (Y/N) - pressed enter for No
Did I do something wrong in the above steps ?
After this the normal cmd prompt was available and I ran the command .\run.cmd which finally connected to the server and gave the response Listening for jobs. After this I checked the agent under the newly created agent pool and it was Online and green in colour.
Will this agent be able to run jobs properly or it will throw error because of any error in configuration as explained above ? Pls advice.