Yay, James_From_Japan! I agree 100,000%...now if we can only get another 20 million people to pile on.
S4B is way more user friendly as a chat/conf app...I've been telling people at Microsoft (posting, face-to-face conversations, etc.) for the past 2 years. One might think someone would take notice, but nope, nothing but deaf. Microsoft doesn't care that Teams (although it is getting better for the limited needs type companies) is made for BIG companies with teams of people silo'd into their own world of projects and collaboration. Little companies that ONLY need, as you say, chat/conf basics are left out in the cold - forced to create sites, doc libraries, calendars, notebooks, etc., just to be able to chat with someone about an immediate need (no historical or future needs). And this notion that every team needs its own little slice of heaven just to communicate and collaborate is utter nonsense.
Hey Microsoft, one of the tenants we have was "forcibly migrated" to Teams. I say this because you migrated the tenant once and, per my never-ending requests, finally got tired of my complaints and re-instated S4B. Funny thing was, upon said re-instatement, I was no longer able to delay the migration to Teams. Nope, that feature magically disappeared. And then, one day, not long ago, Teams was mysteriously migrated again. Welp, guess what? Our company, with a handful of "teams of one" aren't using it. We de-activated all licenses. We keep disabling it from being installed/updated via C2R (although you keep magically re-enabling it -- we'll continue playing this game for as long as I work here). We disable it from opening/running automagically (another one of your tricks) via group policy. And when you force the other tenants we use to Teams, we won't be using it in there either. Until you make Teams viable for the little guys, we'll use something else...email, phone, txt or snail mail...or nothing at all.