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Healthcare and Life Sciences Blog

Utilizing Azure Key vault with Private link in DevOps

Ramya_Gangula's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Apr 20, 2023

Azure Key Vault is a cloud service that provides secure storage and access to secrets such as API keys, passwords, certificates, or cryptographic keys. To enhance security and disable public access, Azure Key Vault can be integrated with Private Endpoint powered by Azure Private Link. This private endpoint uses a private IP address from your VNet and brings the service into your VNet, effectively eliminating exposure from the public Internet by traversing traffic between your virtual network and the service over the Microsoft backbone network.


Prerequisites to achieve this scenario.

  • Self-Hosted Agent in Azure DevOps
  • Azure Key Vault
  • Virtual Network
  • Subnet in the Virtual Network
  • Set Access policy for the service connection with Get and List permissions to access secrets from Yaml/Library section.


Accessing Key Vault from yaml with Private Endpoint enabled


Ensure that the Key Vault private endpoint connection is approved. This document provides detailed steps for integrating Key Vault with Azure Private Link.



The job below is running on a self-hosted agent using the service connection to get access to Azure Key Vault. I have added a cmdLine task to create a file and retrieve secrets from Key Vault.



Below is the output of retrieving secrets from Azure Key Vault after running the Azure DevOps pipeline.



Link Secrets from Azure Key vault as variables


I have whitelisted the IP address (in my case, ADO is hosted on Central United States) from the Azure Key Vault Networking section to link secrets. This is an inbound connection originating from Azure DevOps services to Azure Key Vault via Private Endpoint.

Below is the official documentation that lists IP addresses based on different regions.



Here is the final output screen that shows the successful linking of secrets from Azure Key Vault.



Updated Apr 24, 2023
Version 2.0
  • DuHoac's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    1. Accessing Key Vault from yaml with Private Endpoint enabled with self hosted agent working well.
    2. Link Secrets from Azure Key vault as variables --> It will use public IP address of Azure DevOpts depend on Organization inside this link Find your geography IP V4 ranges. That should be config Azure Key vault firewall allow access as you mentioned in this article. It does not go through private endpoint. Please correct me if I'm wrong. In my case DevOpts pipeline use public IP address not inside this range and denied access :(.  Everytime pipeline run with difference public IP not inside geography IP V4 range
    3. But if I add task download 

      task: AzureKeyVault@2 inside it will use private link and download KeyVault successfully



        name: eShopOnWebSelfPool


        group: TechlabvaultAP # Reference the variable group


        - name: keyVaultArmSvcConnectionName

          default: 'PrivateKeyVaultConnection'# enter your service Connection name

        - name: keyVaultName

          default: 'TechlabvaultAP' #enter your KeyVaultname

        - name: resourceGroupName

          default: 'Techlabvn'# enter your resource group

        - name: subscriptionId

          default: '17dea6db-4356-4e02-90e0-8dd67183a800' # enter your subscription


      # Step 1: Validate Private Endpoint Access

      - task: PowerShell@2


          targetType: 'inline'

          script: |

            # This command ensures the DNS is resolved to the private endpoint

            $dnsName = "${{ parameters.keyVaultName }}"

            $resolvedIP = Resolve-DnsName -Name $dnsName -Type A -DnsOnly

            Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=resolvedIP]$($resolvedIP.IPAddress)"

            if ($resolvedIP.IPAddress -match "^10\.") { 

              Write-Output "Key Vault DNS resolves to private IP: $($resolvedIP.IPAddress)"

            } else {

              Write-Error "Key Vault DNS does not resolve to a private IP"


      # Step 2: Download secret from keyvault

      - task: AzureKeyVault@2

        displayName: Download Secrets from Key Vault

        condition: succeededOrFailed()


          azureSubscription: ${{ parameters.keyVaultArmSvcConnectionName }}

          KeyVaultName: ${{ parameters.keyVaultName }}

          SecretsFilter: '*'  # Adjust the filter to specify which secrets to download

      # Step 3: Use the Secret in the Pipeline

      - task: CmdLine@2


          script: |

            echo $(testpipelinesecret) > secret.txt


      # Step 4: Copy Files

      - task: CopyFiles@2


          contents: secret.txt

          targetFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'

      # Step 5: Publish Build Artifacts

      - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1


          PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'

          ArtifactName: 'drop'

          publishLocation: 'Container'

  • myusername11615's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    "I have whitelisted the IP address (in my case, ADO is hosted on Central United States) from the Azure Key Vault Networking section to link secrets. This is an inbound connection originating from Azure DevOps services to Azure Key Vault via Private Endpoint."

    I don't believe this is a Private Endpoint connection over Private Link. This is still publicly routed. Please correct me if I am wrong. Would you not need to approve a Private Endpoint Connection Request that would originate from the ADO and instead disable public access entirely to achieve this?

  • Joseph Buckley's avatar
    Joseph Buckley
    Copper Contributor

    Hello. Thank you for all the hard work on this. I have been trying to solve for this issue. If you had to whitelisted the public ip for Azure DevOps requiring Public Access to still be enabled then how is this utilizing Private Link / Private Endpoint?

  • xaviergxf's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Thanks for the blob post. This is indeed very useful.

    I have tested the key vault access using RBAC and this works fine as well. Can this be mentioned in your blog post?