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Announcing Public Preview of Resubmitting from an Action in Logic Apps Workflows

brbenn's avatar
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Oct 16, 2023

Announcing Public Preview of Resubmitting from an Action in Logic Apps Workflows 



Azure Logic Apps connects many disparate systems together and allows an organization to orchestrate business processes across those systems. The health and availability of these downstream systems is important in ensuring these automated business processes complete successfully and customers receive the value they seek from integrating these systems.  

In the event a downstream system has an issue (error or availability), Logic Apps has the ability to retry a particular transaction. However, at some point, the workflow must declare an error so that operation analysts can further investigate the issue. Currently, an operations analyst can resume a transaction, however they must do so at the beginning of the workflow. This behavior creates some challenges as it can result in creating duplicate information in the system calls that occur before the action that failed.

To that end we are excited to announce the Private Preview of Resubmitting from an Action in Logic Apps! This feature seeks to provide customers with more control over how they resubmit failed transactions and avoiding data duplication or increasing new operational friction. 



Resubmit from trigger has been a feature available for many years, however customers are looking for more flexibility and being able to resubmit from any action within the workflow. This will give customers more control over where they resume their workflow from and will allow customers to avoid data duplication in action calls that previously were successful.    

This is a long-standing request from Azure Logic Apps customers. Today, when customers encounter this situation, they generally over-engineer solutions to inject queuing systems in between workflows or they build ad hoc workflows to address operational needs.   


How It Works 

Once you select the action to be resubmitted, all actions before the selected action including the trigger are replayed from the original workflow run. This means we will reuse the inputs and outputs of those actions and not actually execute them. Once the workflow execution reaches the resubmitted action, we will process that action and all following actions as normal. 


How to Use It 




  1. Go to your workflow history page and select a run. 
  2. The run must be in a completed state i.e., Failed or Successful 
  3. Select the run you wish to resubmit. 
  4. On the run history page right-click on an eligible action to show the menu.
  5. Click the Submit from this action button. The page will automatically refresh, putting you into the context of the new run. NOTE: Actions occurring before the resubmitted action will have a dim-green icon indicating their input/output was reused from the parent run. 



The "Submit from this action" button will appear in the right-click menu.


Replayed actions will have a dim-green icon.



The resubmit feature is not available to all actions and workflow configurations currently. The following are the limitations for resubmit: 

  • The workflow must be created as Stateful. 
  • The workflow must be created as Standard.
  • The new run will execute the same flow version as the resubmitted run.
  • Only actions of sequential workflows are eligible to be resubmitted. Workflows with parallel paths are currently not supported. 
  • Actions inside of a Foreach or Until operations are not eligible to be resubmitted. Additionally, the Foreach and Until operations themselves are not eligible. 
  • Actions that occur after Foreach and Until operations are not eligible to be resubmitted. 
  • This feature is currently not available in VS Code or the Azure CLI. 


What's Next 

This initial release is available for Standard workflows inside the Azure portal. We will also be making this feature available for Consumption workflows and available in VS Code soon as well. We’re excited to get your feedback so please give it a try and let us know your thoughts! 

Updated Oct 16, 2023
Version 3.0
  • Is there an api exposed to do an action based resubmission programmatically ?, if yes, please guide through the documentation of usage

  • DynamicsHulk , resubmitting actions inside of a for-each loop is one of the limitations of the resubmit operation, therefore they are not eligible to be resubmitted. However, if the action is outside of a for-each operation, then yes, all the necessary input values will be available. We plan to GA soon in the coming weeks.

  • DynamicsHulk's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    brbenn Without a doubt, the ability to resubmit from any action within the workflow is an excellent feature. However, I am curious if this feature applies to the child workflow. If there is a failure in the custom connector (API Call) of child flow and it is resubmitted from this action level, will all the necessary input values be accessible before this custom connector action and send the response back to the parent workflow that runs in the for-each loop? Furthermore, I would like to know the expected release date for this feature to become "Generally Available".




  • ltu-yohasse , thank you for that suggestion. Currently, we are not planning on making this configurable on an action. The ability to resubmit an action is determined, after the workflow has run and completed. For example, to resubmit an action, the previous action would have to have executed successfully because we need the output from that previous action to use as the input to the next action. We would not be able to determine this during design-time of the workflow.

  • ltu-yohasse's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Are there any information regarding whether a feature will be introduced to make this configurable on an action? Specifically, will there be an option within an action's settings to designate it as the default rerun point during a resubmission?


    This feature would enable those with in-depth knowledge of the workflow to pre-configure the rerun behavior, thereby allowing other IT personnel to resubmit the process without the risk of inadvertently altering the overall function of the app.