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Azure Integration Services Blog

Deploy Logic App Standard to storage account with private endpoints using Terraform

huidongliu's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Apr 01, 2024

Last year I have published a blog using Terraform to deploy standard logic app in public network (Deploy Logic App Standard with Terraform and Azure DevOps pipelines). However in many cases public access to storage is not allowed due to organization's policies. I have received many requests on deploying standard logic app to storage account within private network. This article gives example to create the standard logic app to storage account with private endpoint using Terraform.


You can clone the sample code from this Github repo LogicApp-Terraform-Deploy-PE. The terraform code is in TerraformPE/, and logic-app-pipeline-infra-PE.yml is the DevOps pipeline yml file. 


In the terraform code the following resources will be created:

  1. VNET and subnets for Logic App and storage account
  2. Storage account and file share
  3. Private endpoints and private DNS zones for storage file, blob, table and queue services
  4. App service plan
  5. Application insight
  6. Standard Logic App with VNET integration
  7. Private endpoint and private DNS zone for Logic App

You can modify the code to just deploy the resources that are needed, and here are a few places that require special attention:

  1. In the previous blog azurerm_app_service_plan was used to create the app service plan. This resource has been deprecated in version 3.0 of the AzureRM provider and will be removed in version 4.0. This blog uses azurerm_service_plan resource instead.
  2. The storage file share need to be created first. When deploying the logic app, we need to use the custom share name, which is specified in argument storage_account_share_name. This is optional for public storage deployment, and if not specified this resource will generate a dynamic name.
  3. When deploying the resource azurerm_logic_app_standard, the argument version is optional. However the runtime version defaults to ~3, which is already out of support from December 3 2022. We need to specify the version to ~4


Published Apr 01, 2024
Version 1.0
  • JDAzure's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi huidongliu Thanks for the article. The problem with this is in your azurerm_storage_account section you do no set the Deny Public Access to the storage account, so it works. However, how do you deploy using Terraform if your organization has an Azure Policy to not allow storage accounts with Public Access enabled? From what I read, this is possible with ARM and Bicep but not with Terraform. Can you please confirm this is the case?