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Azure Integration Services Blog

Logic Apps Standard - New Hybrid Deployment Model (Preview)

KentWeareMSFT's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jun 18, 2024

At the Integrate 2024 event, we announced a new Hybrid Deployment Model for Azure Logic Apps (Standard) that allows you to run Logic Apps workloads on customer managed infrastructure. This new capability is currently in an early access preview and interested parties should fill out the following nomination form:


The new hybrid deployment model is ideal for customers who want more control over where and how their integration workloads are hosted. This includes on-premises, private clouds or public clouds. This offering focuses on semi-connected scenarios that offer local processing, local storage and local network access. Using this model allows customers to absorb intermittent internet connectivity issues.


Regardless of where your Logic Apps are deployed, you can still leverage the Azure Portal, via Azure ARC agent, to access the control plane. This provides a unified experience independent of where your workflows are deployed.



For additional information please watch the following video:

Updated Jun 18, 2024
Version 1.0
  • asmithy not yet. We did run into a couple issues which we needed to address but I do expect the onboarding guides to be sent out to people who submitted early access form very soon.





  • At this point we are focused on deploying to Arc Enabled K8s clusters, so you are correct you won't be able to deploy to an ACA environment (in Azure).

  • SumitGaur680's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    KentWeareMSFT so if i spin up an azure container apps environment on azure and deploy logic apps as azure container apps it won't work right away and would only work on Arc Enabled AKS or On-Prem Kubernetes cluster?

  • SumitGaur680 yes, Arc Enabled Kubernetes cluster that has the ACA extension (and subsequently connected environment) is required for this to work.

  • SumitGaur680's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    KentWeareMSFT  Can Azure container apps be used to host our logic apps as connected environment. do we need to have ACA environment Azure Arc enabled for this or how would this workout?